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New Powermacs from Apple. Incremental imporvement. All dual processors. Finally two internal optical drive bays. The low end is most noteworthy: $1699 (no monitor) gets you a pretty smoking machine. Have to wait and see how much of a difference 166 mhz system bus makes. I can't imagine the IBM chip will surface (if at all) until next summer.
- jim 8-13-2002 6:23 pm [link] [add a comment]

Just renewed this domain. It will be three years old on Wednesday. Thanks to everyone who has taken part.
- jim 8-12-2002 10:20 pm [link] [9 comments]

I'm really getting mad at all the "terrorist profiling" stories in the news. It's like no one can think clearly any more. Not only does profiling not work, it actually opens up a huge security hole. The only arguments I hear in the news media against profiling are all based on some lame political correctness angle. That's not the point! The fact is profiling is worse than completely random searches at catching the bad guy. Why can't the media grasp this?

Here's an MIT student paper explaining why this is so. The paper is padded quite a bit (reminded me of some things I wrote back in school) with a lot of unnecessary math to make it seem more complex than it is. But the main idea is right on. If you use a profiling algorithm (like: stop all arab men) then it is trivial for your enemy to defeat this (don't send arab looking men.) D'uh.
- jim 8-12-2002 9:33 pm [link] [add a comment]

Is blogs.salon.com making any impact? Anybody read any of them?

In related news, it looks like blogger is going to do something that may be like that as well (userland powers the salon blogs.)

Sometime later this month, the first public, large-scale, non-Pyra-run installation of Blogger will go live.

- jim 8-12-2002 6:02 pm [link] [1 comment]

Linux Journal has the complete coverage of the RealNetworks goes open source story from the O'Reilly Open Source Convention. Well, community source, at least. All these different licenses are tricky.

I'm still not sure what to think of this. I'm used to not trusting Real. (I will say that the OS X RealPlayer beta has been solid so far in limited use. Not sure if that's a testament to Real or OS X though.) You'd better get a handle on this story if you're interested in digital streaming media.
- jim 8-11-2002 11:34 pm [link] [1 comment]

Here's the project sound from a distance inside someone's head invention in case you missed it. Still not sure there are any positive uses for such technology.
- jim 8-11-2002 9:51 pm [link] [add a comment]

An unverifiable bit from Debkafile:

Tuesday August 6, at 0800 hours Middle East time, US and British air bombers went into action and destroyed the Iraqi air command and control center at al-Nukhaib in the desert between Iraq and Saudi Arabia.... For the first time, the US air force used new precision-guided bombs capable of locating and destroying fiber optic systems. The existence of such weaponry was hitherto unknown.
Interesting weapon. Quite useful no doubt, if it exists.
- jim 8-11-2002 8:45 pm [link] [add a comment]

The memory hole. Full text of news stories that are pulled from circulation. Are these guys credible? Looks good to me, but I'll believe almost anything. Interesting in any case.
- jim 8-11-2002 8:29 pm [link] [add a comment]

Ars Technica has a roundup of the 10,000 pound stampeding elephant of a rumor that is currently trampling through Mac world. Short coded summary: The long awaited G5 might be an IBM produced son-of-Power4.

If this is true. And if the chip is as mighty as it might be. And if it could be ready to ship before next year. And if pigs fly. This will be a really really good thing for Apple.

The rumor boards are buzzing.
- jim 8-10-2002 8:01 pm [link] [add a comment]

One day a government worker knocks on the door of a rancher in eastern Montana. He introduces himself and goes on to explain that a recent survey of the area has shown that it is not in Montana after all. The rancher's house is actually in South Dakota. On hearing this the rancher replies "Thank god! I don't think I could have taken another one of those Montana winters."

Yeah, I know. Anyway, I am shocked, shocked to learn that our friend's house on Long Island is NOT IN SAYVILLE. Can you believe it? Apparently it's in Bayport. I'm not sure what to do about this. It's not that I care where the house is. It's just that we've always called it Sayville. Can we really switch to Bayport?

"What did you do this weekend?"

"Oh, we were out in Sayvi... er, Bayport."

"Bayport? Who lives there?"

"Oh forget it."

Maybe we can resurvey the area or something.
- jim 8-10-2002 7:47 pm [link] [add a comment]

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