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Back from a nice weekend with my mother on Cape Cod. The monitor on my iMac has apparently died and this is making me very unhappy. More later when I return to normal. Good to be in NYC.
- jim 9-03-2002 5:45 pm [link] [2 comments]

From 8/24 through today I have received 71 emails. 23 of those were NOT spam. (And thanks to the barrage of Austria planning from the Wheel that's actually a very high ratio of real messages!)

The junk mail filters in the new (10.2) mail application flagged 46 out of 48 of those unwanted emails as junk. With NO false positives. Hallelujah. Thank you Apple.

They ship it in "training" mode. If mail thinks a real message is junk you can press the "not junk" button to correct it. If mail thinks a spam is a real message you can press the "junk" button to correct it the other way. The more you correct the more accurate it will become.

But it's already plenty accurate for me. Spam be gone! I'm taking it out of training mode. Now I won't be notified about spam, it will just silently go into a junk folder where I can check from time to time for false positives. But I don't think I'll have to double check too often.

That's worth the price of Jaguar right there.
- jim 8-27-2002 10:28 pm [link] [1 comment]

Mozilla 1.1 is out. Supports Quartz rendering in OS X, so it should look (even) better.
- jim 8-27-2002 8:16 pm [link] [1 comment]

Saw this in a HTP discussion. Could it be right?

Estimated amount the United States spends each year safeguarding oil supplies in the Persian Gulf: $50,000,000,000

Source: Council on Foreign Relations (N.Y.C.)

Estimated value of U.S. crude-oil imports from the region last year : $19,000,000,000

Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration/ Harper's research

- jim 8-27-2002 7:22 pm [link] [34 comments]

Minimalist external hard drive firewire bridge. (via boingboing)
- jim 8-27-2002 1:51 am [link] [add a comment]

God I had fun last night.
- jim 8-25-2002 8:13 pm [link] [3 comments]

Colin Wilson on Robert Graves (via robotwisdom.)
- jim 8-25-2002 7:45 pm [link] [7 comments]

I passed the test. It's official. I'm not a complete dork. If I was, and the possibility was certainly there, I'd have left the lovely evening I was having with MB and Sarah to be at the Apple store by 10:20 last night when Jagwire (OS X 10.2) was released. Yes, they had a party. People in costumes. Probably posting to their blogs from the display machines. Supreme dork stuff like that.

Instead I resisted the mind control rays emanating from the mothership, and stayed up on the roof enjoying the perfect summer evening. Clam pasta, cuvee Buster, Texier hermitage (wine dork status might still be possible.)

Drinking coffee right now, and then I will make my way, calmly, like a normal person not caught in the RDF, over to SOHO and purchase my copy. No hurry. It's just an operating system. Not like it's going to be a big deal or anythi....

- jim 8-24-2002 7:00 pm [link] [1 comment]

The Casio EX-S1 looks great. I like my Canon G1, but it is too big. If I was buying again I'd think seriously about this camera. It doesn't have the resolution, but it is supremely small. Here's the Steve's digicams review (here's the conclusion) and here's the dcresource review. Very cool. Still, my guess is that cameras will become a feature of cellphones (like the p800) soon enough, and that will be even cooler (always with you, plus you can upload pictures wirelessly right from the same device.)
- jim 8-24-2002 12:16 am [link] [5 comments]

As if having one of the best weblogs around isn't enough, boing boing has an interesting secondary "guest blog" written by rotating third parties that runs down the right hand margin of the page. Right now it is being written by Xeni Jardin. She splits her time between LA and NYC, but is presently in the big Apple dishing lots of interesting art world links.
- jim 8-22-2002 5:52 pm [link] [add a comment]

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