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Dean Kamen introduces a (not completely done) Stirling engine.
- jim 11-18-2002 6:16 pm [link] [add a comment]

T-Mobile has introduced a much more reasonable rate plan for the sidekick:

500 Anytime Minutes*
Unlimited Night & Weekend Minutes*
Unlimited Data
1000 T-Mobile 2-Way Text Messages
Included features: voicemail, paging, caller ID, call waiting, call forwarding, conference calling, and Instant Messaging.

*Updated Feature. All else is same as original plan.
Still not enough voice minutes for the super user, but plenty for me. I'll have to watch my bills, but I think I'm already over enough that this would save me money. I'll look into it when I get back from vacation.
- jim 11-17-2002 7:50 pm [link] [add a comment]

On the geo-political scene I'm getting very strong here we go vibes. Like the rollercoaster just got to the top of the first hill. (The first hill?!?!)

I'm watching Israel. Things could go quick from here. Or hopefully I'm wrong.
- jim 11-17-2002 4:13 am [link] [1 comment]

If you have an apple laptop running OS X check out uControl. This will install a new pane in your system preference window (apple menu -> system preferences...) In that pane click on 'scrolling' and then check 'scroll wheel emulation'. Now when you hold down the function key you can use the trackpad like a scroll wheel.

No obvious problems in a few minutes of use. Excellent. This was bugging me. Surfing on the laptop will be much better now.

I haven't experimented, but this will also let you remap lots of different keys. Could be useful for desktop users as well.
- jim 11-16-2002 10:39 pm [link] [add a comment]

I'll be saying more about [upload] over the next few days, but for now you might want to know there is a new verb, "getthumb" that operates exactly like "getpic" but displays a tumbnail instead of the picture itself. Picture x (/getpic/x) now automatically has a thumbnail with the same id (/getthumb/x).
- jim 11-16-2002 10:19 pm [link] [28 comments]

For people with pages here (or on any of the other sites) you can now make any page display as a bulletin board. You'll see this new option on [editpage]. You can switch back and forth between the weblog view and the bbs view with no loss of data. Also, in [settings], you can make your account default so that you always see pages as either weblogs, or bulletin boards, no matter how each individual page is set by its' owner.

Again, like the advanced search, formatting hasn't really had any attention paid to it. That will come. Suggestions appreciated.

If you're not familiar, the thing that might be cool about bulletin boards is that it's easy for readers who don't have accounts to keep up with new comments. The bulletin board lists the subject of the the post (you have to click through to actually read the post and comments,) plus the name of the author, and the date of the most recent post or comment in that thread. But the important thing is that the posts are ordered by most recent activity. So if a very old post receives a new comment, that post summary is returned at the top of your page in bulletin board view.

Probably not so helpful for the people on this site, but some of the other sites can use this sort of thing. Nice for organizational stuff when you can't convice people to sign in and use the [new post] [new comment] links from the front page.
- jim 11-16-2002 9:39 pm [link] [add a comment]

I'm still unclear on the terminology, but you can now get RSS feeds (in RDF form if I'm understanding all the acronyms correctly) for any page here by adding /xml to the end of the URL. So my feed is here. Works in NetNewsWire Lite. I'd be interested if anyone could tell me if it worked in Radio. And of course I'd be grateful if anyone could correct my form. Thanks.
- jim 11-16-2002 7:16 pm [link] [add a comment]

Steven Johnson (of feed, suck, and NYU's ITP program) has a blog.
- jim 11-16-2002 6:35 pm [link] [add a comment]

Here's the site for that weird futuristic boutique on Ave. B we've been wondering about.
- jim 11-16-2002 6:25 pm [link] [add a comment]

We're back up on the new server. I made lots of behind the scenes changes so there will no doubt be some problems. Let me know if you experience anything weird (I mean in reference to this page...)
- jim 11-16-2002 12:13 am [link] [5 comments]

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