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Ground has been broken on the new world headquarters (in other words: we hauled a lot of crap out of the basement, and tore down a sheet rock wall.) Demand for inside information on the plush new office suite is so high that I'm going to keep you regularly updated right here on this page! Hold on for some edge of your seat excitment! Next milestone is Friday, when our crack team of engineers tries to ascertain why the supporting columns inside that wall we tore down don't seem to be touching the ceiling at all. Stay tuned.
- jim 7-12-2000 8:42 pm [link] [add a comment]

I'm always waiting for the next enhancement before buying, but I think the time is right for this portable CD/MP3 player. If you've got CDR, this is a no brainer. I'll let you know when I get mine.
- jim 7-12-2000 8:28 pm [link] [add a comment]

I live with a bird named Tarzan. He is a very noisey grey-cheeked parakeet. About six inches long. He has free run of the house, although acutally it's more like free waddle because he doesn't fly very well. Anyway, lately he's learned a new trick which is to climb up the mass of cables under my desk until his little green head pokes up right under my monitor. He likes to perch at the top of the phone line going into the modem. He'll sit there for hours watching me stare at the screen. Occasionally he'll say something. If I had a web cam I'd put him on. Since I don't you'll just have to use your imagination. I wonder if he can feel all the information flowing through his little feet?
- jim 7-11-2000 6:18 pm [link] [1 ref] [2 comments]

Traffic physics.
- jim 7-11-2000 2:50 am [link] [add a comment]

- jim 7-11-2000 2:24 am [link] [add a comment]

Here we go again. Rumors are flying (thanks to Drudge this time) of an Apple, Pixar, Disney merger. Variations of this story have been floating for a year and a half, so a few grains of NaCl may be necessary. In fact, I'd dismiss this outright if it wasn't for the nagging fact that it makes so much sense. Disney is looking for a clue, and Jobs is really good at convincing people he has one. That would really shake things up.
- jim 7-10-2000 4:02 pm [link] [add a comment]

A trip down RAM lane  Camworld has a great link to a sequence of early GUI concept drawings for the Apple Lisa. This was the first computer to blow my mind. It was 1982 (or was that '83?) and I had just received my first computer, the loveably pathetic ibm pcjr. I thought that thing was slick, and with Borland's Turbo Pascal, my internal 300 baud modem, and the intel 8088 processor cranked up to 4.77 mhz., I was sitting pretty. Then one day my sister's friends older brother came home from Harvard and he had an Apple Lisa with him. I hadn't ever heard of this machine before (and I don't think many people had at that point.) The Lisa was an incredibly large "luggable" all in one computer. Much bigger than the eventual first Macs. The built in black and white screen was tiny. But like I said, this machine blew my mind. Graphic interface? MacPaint? Point and click? What new brand of sorcery was this? Anyone using DOS (3.1 at that time) could see right away that this was the future. The funny thing is, when you look at the old screen shots, we're basically in the same place right now. (Well O.K., network services are a little improved :-)
- jim 7-10-2000 3:31 pm [link] [add a comment]

If anyone sent me mail to my inch account this past week I probably didn't get it. Sorry about that. Everything is now working again.
- jim 7-08-2000 5:30 pm [link] [add a comment]

Went to Chelsea Piers last night after dinner and hit some golf balls. The driving range is on a pier, and you hit out toward the Hudson river. Nice set up. Now I'm totally stiff today because I haven't swung a club in a few years (and I haven't actually played in probably 10+ years) but it was fun to take a few swings at it. Still got that slice.
- jim 7-08-2000 4:33 pm [link] [add a comment]

I though this article was pretty good. I hadn't heard anything from or about Jaron Lanier in a long time. I see he's still thinking about the future. In this article he explains why Bill Joy's worst fears probably won't materialize - due to the lack of improvement in software. But then he's got some other fears of his own. Almost sounds like he's not quite serious, but his ideas might well be closer to the mark then B.J.'s. Who knows?
- jim 7-07-2000 10:45 pm [link] [add a comment]

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