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David McCusker lays down the game rules for middlemen. I wish he was in charge of the game.
- jim 8-22-2000 11:11 pm [link] [1 comment]

Really interesting story on the BBC Sci/Tech page today. Apparently some Canadian scientists have genetically modified a goat so that it will produce spider silk in its milk. Huh? In case you didn't know, spider silk is "[s]tronger and more flexible than steel... [it] offers a lightweight alternative to carbon fibre." Because Spiders are anti-social they could never be farmed, and hence this material could never be massed produced. Until now. I wonder if you could make one of those Clarke Space Elevators with this stuff? (a tether connecting the ground and a geostationary - Clarke orbit - sattelite.)
- jim 8-21-2000 9:48 pm [link] [1 comment]

Well, that wasn't so hard after all. I guess it wasn't just a waste of space to actually repeat the database entry when building the comment pages. I wouldn't be surprised if this came in useful sometime in the future. Relational databases (we use MySQL) are incredibly cool. I'm totally blown away that something this powerful is available for free. If you are signed in, let me know if there is anything screwy with the new post/comment counts. I had to go directly into the database to fix this (which is what got me into trouble in the first place) so possibly there are some orphaned posts which might interfere with the counters. I can fix it if I know its happening. Thanks.
- jim 8-20-2000 8:41 pm [link] [1 comment]

MB is away for the weekend, so I've had lots of time to work. Almost cleared my plate, so I can start thinking about this page again. I'm going to give one shot at restoring the lost posts (there is some redundancy in the system which might be a feature or a bug depending on how you look at such things, but it might allow me to extract a copy of everything from the database - the harder part will be putting it back on the page where it belongs.) On the other hand, maybe I'll use this event as an excuse to change the focus of my page. I wish the new office was done (and that I would pull the trigger on making the new machine purchase for MB) so that I could go back to Final Cut/Flash experiments. But now with the (rather unbelievable) rumors about G4 powerbooks at Seybold in September (I was thinking February,) I may have to wait some more before deciding. Blah, blah, blah. Beautiful Sunday anyway. Enjoy.
- jim 8-20-2000 7:44 pm [link] [add a comment]

MB is away for the weekend, so I've had lots of time to work. Almost cleared my plate, so I can start thinking about this page again. I'm going to give one shot at restoring the lost posts (there is some redundancy in the system which might be a feature or a bug depending on how you look at such things, but it might allow me to extract a copy of everything from the database - the harder part will be putting it back on the page where it belongs.) On the other hand, maybe I'll use this event as an excuse to change the focus of my page. I wish the new office was done (and that I would pull the trigger on making the new machine purchase for MB) so that I could go back to Final Cut/Flash experiments. But now with the (rather unbelievable) rumors about G4 powerbooks at Seybold in September (I was thinking February,) I may have to wait some more before deciding. Blah, blah, blah. Beautiful Sunday anyway. Enjoy.
- jim 8-20-2000 7:44 pm [link] [add a comment]

I just erased my whole page. No I didn't mean to. Yes I'm pissed. Yes I'm stupid. AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH.
- jim 8-15-2000 9:12 pm [link] [5 comments]

I just erased my whole page. No I didn't mean to. Yes I'm pissed. Yes I'm stupid. AAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH.
- jim 8-15-2000 9:12 pm [link] [5 comments]

- jim 8-15-2000 9:01 pm [link] [add a comment]

Between email and all the posting activity here, it's almost like Mike isn't half way around the world on vacation. This global information network is really starting to work out ;-)
- jim 8-14-2000 7:25 pm [link] [1 comment]

Saw the Apple Cube yesterday. It is really cool looking. They had it hooked up to a 15 inch Apple flat panel. I had no idea they changed the 15 inch; now it is exactly like the 22 inch Cinema display (only smaller.) Beautiful. And frankly, it seemed much bigger than 15 inches (much bigger than the imac screen which was right next to it.) The Cube with that display makes a very slick package (although $3000 - ouch.) It's definitely my recommendation for rich people who really don't need a computer, but want an incredibly fast one just on the principal of buying kick ass equipment (that's some niche Apple has, huh?)
- jim 8-13-2000 2:40 pm [link] [2 comments]

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