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being assembled
- jim 9-20-2000 10:13 pm [link] [add a comment]

The John Perry Barlow article in the new Wired is worth the read.
- jim 9-17-2000 3:48 pm [link] [add a comment]

Bill Gates, Linus Torvalds, and Steve Jobs have joined channel #Newbie Bloggers. I'm sure it reflects poorly on my mindset, but this is the funniest thing I've read in weeks. LOL.
- jim 9-17-2000 3:43 pm [link] [1 comment]

I'm going to take this to mean 26 more hours until Kuro5hin is back on the web. In hopefully unrelated news, (dig the msnbc headline copy:) hackers amass new zombie army, making ready the forces of evil for another round of DDOS attacks. CERT has the advisory, noting holes in rcp.statd (whatever that is) and wu-ftpd. I knew we shouldn't have let a bunch of rappers from Staten Island write the FTP code. D'oh. Slashdot debates the issue.
- jim 9-17-2000 3:16 pm [link] [add a comment]

Blogs are over, done, finished, washed up, old news, and totally, completely, uncool; long live blogs.
- jim 9-17-2000 2:34 pm [link] [add a comment]

A University of Michigan professor, Philip Bucksbaum, is saying that a single electron can store an infinite amount of data. Maybe the whole really is contained in each of its parts.
- jim 9-16-2000 9:31 pm [link] [add a comment]

Making sure the recording industry remembers Love's a bitch.
- jim 9-15-2000 8:11 pm [link] [add a comment]

Robert Cringely supplies the responses, completing his slashdot interview. He's smart.
- jim 9-15-2000 8:09 pm [link] [add a comment]

Today's picture (archived here) is my niece Mary. Despite the fact that I am related to her, she is very cute. We had a great dinner with her in Providence.
- jim 9-14-2000 6:16 pm [link] [4 comments]

Well, this is turning out to be a little frustrating (I thought it might.) Almost 2 hours spent trying to give Apple a lot of money. Too bad their servers can't handle the load. How many people could really be hitting the Apple store right now? A million? I doubt it. They should be able to handle the load. Maybe they should look into Solaris. Anyway, I keep trying to place the order and I keep getting server errors (too much load, I'm pretty sure) and then after 5 or 6 times my session will time out and I have to start all over. Of course the whole time I'm on hold (voice) with them as well, just in case someone picks up. Anyway, the last time I had to go back to the beginning and start over it is showing that I have an order being processed (even though I never got any message over the web telling me that they acknowledged the order.) Unfortunately when I check the order status it just says my account is being revised. Grrrr. It might be possible that I ordered the same machine like 80 times. I wonder what the limit on that card is?

And you thought blogs were only full of crappy, uninteresting, self-centered ramblings... oh, wait....

[update: Well, something got ordered. Unfortunately, I've already received 6 email confirmations, and there seems to be another one in my mailbox every time I check. I sure hope they realize I don't want 80 versions of the exact same order.]
- jim 9-13-2000 5:18 pm [link] [2 comments]

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