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I bought a winter jacket yesterday in anticipation of next weeks trip. I haven't had a real winter jacket in a long time. It sure isn't fashionable (as MB pointed out) but I am laughing at the NYC winter. Ha! Bring it on.
- jim 11-14-2000 9:07 pm [link] [add a comment]

IBM has a new display that everyone is talking about. Very nice. Too bad there is only one in existence, and it cost 20K. Here are a few facts from someone who saw it.
- jim 11-14-2000 7:17 pm [link] [add a comment]

The religious experience of Philip K. Dick by R. Crumb. (via ethel)
- jim 11-14-2000 1:08 am [link] [2 comments]

Seen on Honeyguide: "Schroedinger's candidate." LOL.
- jim 11-13-2000 5:11 pm [link] [add a comment]

Phpbuilder is having another go at benchmarking the (open source) database holy war. This round of MySQL vs. PostgreSQL seems to give the lead to PostgreSQL (using pre-beta 7.1.) The slashdot hordes comment (although nothing very useful as of 65 comments.) Maybe it's time to give PostgreSQL a look. Mmmmm, transactions.
- jim 11-13-2000 4:41 pm [link] [add a comment]

Nice dinner last night with a few ridiculously old white wines. Afterward, around midnight, we suddenly decided to go see Charlies Angels. The fight scenes were good, but the whole package was pretty embarassing. No, on second thought, make that very embarassing.
- jim 11-12-2000 8:47 pm [link] [6 comments]

Hillary has already pledged to reintroduce a bill that would abolish the electoral college. I tend to agree, although here are some reasons we may want to keep it.
- jim 11-12-2000 7:22 pm [link] [6 comments]

Here's some links in the area I'm trying to get at (see the long ramble below.) First up, if you don't know what is meant by "semantic web" check out this W3C page. But more importantly, read Jorn Bargers reasoning why xml won't get us there. I no longer think we can attack the semantic (or lack of semantics) problem at the mark up level. I think we can attack it at the bookmarking level. Something like a dmoz meets napster meets blogger kind of thing.
- jim 11-11-2000 5:05 pm [link] [add a comment]

If you're looking to sail off the edge of the scientific map, you could start here and probably get to nowhere. If you're into that sort of trip. (via riothero.)
- jim 11-11-2000 4:53 pm [link] [add a comment]

Here's a picture of the new Gateway (/AOL/Transmeta) Touch Pad computer. We're going to see a lot of tries in this space, but I'm unconvinced so far. I think this one falls too much in the middle space. Either you want a full fledged general purpose computer, or you want specific digital media devices (mp3 players, digital VCRs, ect...) I don't think anyone wants a low power general computing device. But we're definitely going to see. (I guess you could argue that this is a specific digital media device, the specifics being web surfing and email.)
- jim 11-11-2000 4:51 pm [link] [add a comment]

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