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Does one vote really matter? Dave Winer and rc3 have posted similar views on the issue. Unlike the major media that seems to be going with the "shame on you for ever thinking your vote doesn't matter - this election proves that it does" line, they take a more logical approach. If the election is not close then your one vote doesn't matter. If the election is close then it will be fought out in the courts and decided by a judge. Either way, your one vote doesn't matter.
- jim 11-16-2000 2:16 pm [link] [add a comment]

It's mid month, so that means it's crypto-gram time. This month author Bruce Schneier explains the problems with digital signatures, and takes a quick look at both the SDMI hacking challenge, and the Microsoft hack. Schneier is the man when it comes to codes. Always interesting. The misunderstanding around digital signatures is going to be a real legal problem.
- jim 11-16-2000 2:10 pm [link] [add a comment]

Today's picture (archived here) is of the geothermal bath outside of Reykjavik, Iceland. I'll be there late next week after a few days in Amsterdam.
- jim 11-15-2000 6:52 pm [link] [add a comment]

I had never seen this one before. It's called the slashdot Cheesy Portal. It doesn't look good, but it does have all the latest breaking geek news on one page. I think this one is going to replace 10.am for me.
- jim 11-15-2000 6:40 pm [link] [add a comment]

Netscape 6 has been released. Do not bother to download this beast. Probably you should be using Internet Explorer (although it pains me slightly to say that. Yes I'm silly that way.) If you insist on using Navigator, stick with 4.75. I'm saddened by this whole episode, but since I wasn't able to do anything directly to help, I guess I can't really complain too much. Maybe there is still some hope for Mozilla, but it seems pretty clear at this point that Netscape is never going to release a good browser. I wonder if icab has those javascript problems worked out?
- jim 11-15-2000 3:23 pm [link] [2 comments]

I bought a winter jacket yesterday in anticipation of next weeks trip. I haven't had a real winter jacket in a long time. It sure isn't fashionable (as MB pointed out) but I am laughing at the NYC winter. Ha! Bring it on.
- jim 11-14-2000 9:07 pm [link] [add a comment]

IBM has a new display that everyone is talking about. Very nice. Too bad there is only one in existence, and it cost 20K. Here are a few facts from someone who saw it.
- jim 11-14-2000 7:17 pm [link] [add a comment]

The religious experience of Philip K. Dick by R. Crumb. (via ethel)
- jim 11-14-2000 1:08 am [link] [2 comments]

Seen on Honeyguide: "Schroedinger's candidate." LOL.
- jim 11-13-2000 5:11 pm [link] [add a comment]

Phpbuilder is having another go at benchmarking the (open source) database holy war. This round of MySQL vs. PostgreSQL seems to give the lead to PostgreSQL (using pre-beta 7.1.) The slashdot hordes comment (although nothing very useful as of 65 comments.) Maybe it's time to give PostgreSQL a look. Mmmmm, transactions.
- jim 11-13-2000 4:41 pm [link] [add a comment]

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