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Dave Winer is trying to get in touch with Screaming Media. Hmmm. Now that's a nice fit. I hope somebody over there answers the phone when he calls.
- jim 2-10-2001 3:38 pm [link] [2 comments]

Zdnet is saying that Metricom, makers of the super cool Richocet wireless modem, is having some serious financial problems. Bummer.
- jim 2-09-2001 11:19 pm [link] [add a comment]

Slashdot had this link to a hacked kit that will let you record HDTV off an RCA DTC100 to any firewire (ieee1394) device. This is something "they" don't want you to be able to do (even though time shifting broadcast programming has a precedent of being totally legal in the U.S.) I've got no plans to buy into the HDTV thing (until they come down to under $300,) but just in case I win one or something, I definitely want this link.
- jim 2-09-2001 2:33 pm [link] [3 refs] [add a comment]

What is Zeldman hinting at? (Feb. 8th and 6th entries.) It must have to do with browsers and standards. We could use a big surprise in this area.
- jim 2-08-2001 2:59 pm [link] [add a comment]

If you were going to be transported back in time to the distant past, what is the one modern item you would elect to take with you (excluding the time machine itself.) Or, in other words, what's the most important modern item for survival in a world otherwise devoid of modern conveniences? Bic lighter?
- jim 2-07-2001 6:09 pm [link] [28 comments]

Not my usual fare, but I've been listening to this Blue Note album by a band named St. Germain (album is called Tourist.) I don't think Ken Burns quite got to them. Great stuff. Sizzling. I guess it would be called acid jazz, but do people still use that phrase?
- jim 2-07-2001 5:55 pm [link] [add a comment]

email is back and firing on all accounts. I'm sure the spammers will be very pleased.
- jim 2-06-2001 7:40 pm [link] [add a comment]

Probably one more day until I have all my email back on line. Sorry if I owe anyone replies. Most likely I haven't even seen the original yet. The inch account is already back, so use that one if you need to get me today.
- jim 2-06-2001 5:09 pm [link] [add a comment]

I'm not making this up. From the zend.com website: "This gives the added benefit of improved code obfuscation."
- jim 2-06-2001 3:33 pm [link] [add a comment]

Oh yeah, Apple sent me the $30 rebate coupon for OSX (since I bought the public beta for $30.) Clearly this was the right thing for Apple to do, but they don't always do the right thing so it was nice to see the email in my in box.
- jim 2-06-2001 3:12 pm [link] [add a comment]

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