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I've been listening a lot to a Lucinda Williams bootleg a friend sent me. It is so good. After a certain number of plays a CD will burn itself into my head. This one is way in there.

The sun came up it was another day,
The sun went down we were blown away.
- jim 4-06-2001 2:27 pm [link] [1 comment]

I've been listening a lot to a Lucinda Williams bootleg a friend sent me. It is so good. After a certain number of plays a CD will burn itself into my head. This one is way in there.

The sun came up it was another day,
The sun went down we were blown away.
- jim 4-06-2001 2:27 pm [link] [1 ref] [1 comment]

I used to post some semi interesting stuff. You know, links and whatnot. At least that's how I remember it. Now it's just this same boring crap all the time. "Couldn't sleep last night..." or "Hit a snag in the project..." or "Made a little progress in the project..." Yawn. I remember this stage from the last time around. The initial excitement is subsiding because I've already made all the big decisions. As I actually execute the idea the open space of possibilities is reduced. This is a good thing in the sense that a specific thing is being formed, but from a purely intellectual point of view the whole project looses some of its lustre. At first it's all about thinking with just a little bit of doing. Then it's more and more doing and less thinking. Finally it's very little thinking at all, and lots of cleaning up around the edges. I'm not very good at that. I'm better than I was last time, but still not very good. The final 5% of this project is taking around 75% of the total time. Yuck. Yawn. Did I mention I got my automatic lists to sort on multiple fields? Not on the indeterminite n number of fields that I had wanted when I was just thinking about how it should work, but at least on up to 12 different fields. That should be enough, sure, but it's the kind of disappointing trade off that has to be made as something crosses the line from idea to reality. You can't have everything, or it wouldn't be anything (in particular.) The contingencies of the real world work to squash a lot of pretty ideas. Oh well. Such is life. Keep your head down and for gods sake keep moving. Once you stop it is very hard to get going again. Lots of cleaning up around the edges to do today. Looking forward to tonight.
- jim 4-05-2001 3:52 pm [link] [add a comment]

I used to post some semi interesting stuff. You know, links and whatnot. At least that's how I remember it. Now it's just this same boring crap all the time. "Couldn't sleep last night..." or "Hit a snag in the project..." or "Made a little progress in the project..." Yawn. I remember this stage from the last time around. The initial excitement is subsiding because I've already made all the big decisions. As I actually execute the idea the open space of possibilities is reduced. This is a good thing in the sense that a specific thing is being formed, but from a purely intellectual point of view the whole project looses some of its lustre. At first it's all about thinking with just a little bit of doing. Then it's more and more doing and less thinking. Finally it's very little thinking at all, and lots of cleaning up around the edges. I'm not very good at that. I'm better than I was last time, but still not very good. The final 5% of this project is taking around 75% of the total time. Yuck. Yawn. Did I mention I got my automatic lists to sort on multiple fields? Not on the indeterminite n number of fields that I had wanted when I was just thinking about how it should work, but at least on up to 12 different fields. That should be enough, sure, but it's the kind of disappointing trade off that has to be made as something crosses the line from idea to reality. You can't have everything, or it wouldn't be anything (in particular.) The contingencies of the real world work to squash a lot of pretty ideas. Oh well. Such is life. Keep your head down and for gods sake keep moving. Once you stop it is very hard to get going again. Lots of cleaning up around the edges to do today. Looking forward to tonight.
- jim 4-05-2001 3:52 pm [link] [add a comment]

Couldn't sleep again last night. What a curious experience. I remember when I was much younger, in my seriously dreading school days, when this would occasionally happen. Usually the night before a big test. The longer you lie awake the more desperate you become to fall asleep, and of course this makes it even harder to do so. "O.K., if I fall asleep right now I can still get three hours..." Anyway, it's not so bad now that I am older and don't have to suffer through big tests anymore. Sure I'm tired now, but maybe I can sleep for a few hours this afternoon. As I always suspected way back then, it IS better to be a grown up (or should I say it's better to be an almost grown up with a nice place to live and no kids and not too many worries except how am I going to get the database to handle sorting on multiple fields...?) Getting to it. Big day. The giant ball of mud continues to grow.
- jim 4-04-2001 3:31 pm [link] [add a comment]

Couldn't sleep again last night. What a curious experience. I remember when I was much younger, in my seriously dreading school days, when this would occasionally happen. Usually the night before a big test. The longer you lie awake the more desperate you become to fall asleep, and of course this makes it even harder to do so. "O.K., if I fall asleep right now I can still get three hours..." Anyway, it's not so bad now that I am older and don't have to suffer through big tests anymore. Sure I'm tired now, but maybe I can sleep for a few hours this afternoon. As I always suspected way back then, it IS better to be a grown up (or should I say it's better to be an almost grown up with a nice place to live and no kids and not too many worries except how am I going to get the database to handle sorting on multiple fields...?) Getting to it. Big day. The giant ball of mud continues to grow.
- jim 4-04-2001 3:31 pm [link] [add a comment]

Oh my god. MB is a genius. I'm not allowed to say more yet, so I'll just say that again: Oh my god MB is a genius.
- jim 4-02-2001 7:38 pm [link] [3 comments]

Oh my god. MB is a genius. I'm not allowed to say more yet, so I'll just say that again: Oh my god MB is a genius.
- jim 4-02-2001 7:38 pm [link] [3 comments]

Glennf has written yet another introduction to blogging for the Seattle Times. Nothing new here, but a pretty good job for the uninitiated.
- jim 4-02-2001 7:16 pm [link] [add a comment]

Glennf has written yet another introduction to blogging for the Seattle Times. Nothing new here, but a pretty good job for the uninitiated.
- jim 4-02-2001 7:16 pm [link] [add a comment]

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