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Started to add some of my links. Now that I'm often working on different machines I need to have these on line.
- jim 6-09-2001 6:32 pm [link] [add a comment]

This whole microsoft smart tags thing is a little overblown. It might be another reason not to use Internet Explorer (not that you have much option at this point) but it's clearly within Microsoft's rights to do this. Once you put something on the web you aren't really in control of it any more. Anybody should be free to write any sort of software to "browse" web pages in any manner the software author sees fit. This would include adding, subtracting, or just plain rearranging content. If you're against smart tags are you also against something like netomat (or junkbuster for that matter?) I don't see how to support one without supporting the other. [Just to be clear: I think this is an incredibly stupid, almost offensive feature, and I would never use it. Plus I'll encourage others - probably through a childish sort of mocking - not to use Microsofts products as well. Still, they should be able to do it if they want.]
- jim 6-09-2001 2:32 pm [link] [add a comment]

Looks like automatic media is gone due to "an inability to secure additional financing." Rest in peace: plastic, suck, feed (and salon?) Too bad. I'll miss them. But I'm not really surprised.
- jim 6-08-2001 8:18 pm [link] [1 comment]

John Robb has started a weblog on the singularity. It starts with the Kurzweil link I had a week or so ago (which didn't get the best reviews) but goes on from there in at least a more personal way (whereas the Kurzweil site does seem a bit self promoting in an obviously money-making way.) In any case today he is discussing A.I. vs. I.A. ("Individual Augmentation"). Not really enough stuff yet to judge, but looks promising. (via Hack the Planet)
- jim 6-07-2001 8:54 pm [link] [2 comments]

Yes, this project is taking forever. If you look closely at the top picture you can see that the framework for the facade is in, and I think the facade itself will be up in the next few days. Then the plywood can come down and it will look relatively spiffy from the outside. As is obvious from the shot below that, the inside still needs a lot of work. But the ethernet is all strung (pic 3) so everything I care about is ready to go. I keep trying to get them to just move in, but they want it to look good, or something. Graphic designers; what can you do?
- jim 6-07-2001 8:29 pm [link] [1 comment]

DSL is awesome. Downloaded limewire which is a great front end for the gnutella network (a decentralized file sharing network - like Napster, but without the central entity for the RIAA to sue,) and am presently listening to some tracks off the new Lucinda Williams album. We're going to see her tonight at Roseland. Good stuff.
- jim 6-06-2001 5:15 pm [link] [9 comments]

Pictures of the doomed NASA X-43A experimental aircraft.
- jim 6-06-2001 4:16 pm [link] [add a comment]

Random message board quote of the day:

"Now what? How do I install libmd? The directions at GNU-Darwin
seem to be for people who know what they're doing."
Ain't that the way?

Somebody should make a t-shirt that says: gnurd.

Must get away from computer. Goodnight.
- jim 6-05-2001 11:05 pm [link] [3 comments]

John Udell, who had a nice column I pointed to last week about storytelling and weblogs, has another nice one (more technical) about the future of the file system. Plus, elsewhere, David McCusker replies to a request for his thoughts on the subject.
- jim 6-05-2001 12:41 pm [link] [add a comment]

Linus Torvalds is going to be on NPR's Fresh Air tonight at 7:00 pm EDT (although Fresh Air airs at different times in different cities.) Or you can listen to the interview on line if you are part of the dark side, err, I mean if you have RealPlayer installed. (via /.)
- jim 6-04-2001 9:36 pm [link] [add a comment]

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