Cupcake Dreams And Business Modeling
Parked near Houston on Norfolk, NYC, sitting in the passenger seat of the Jeep, counting off now just the last eight minutes until it is clear that the street sweeper isn't coming today and then the all of us sitting here on this Tuesday and Friday side of the street, who have moved our cars from some neighboring Monday and Thursday side of the street, will exit our vehicles and go on with our lives. Five minutes now. I don't have any clear plans for my life though and am considering just staying in the Jeep and taking life as it comes to me here. For two days anyhow, until I have to move again to secure free parking. I'm picking up a little bit of a wireless signal here and so I could wile away the day conducting important business via the Internet if I had any business. I could start a business: Jeep Sitting Enterprises. It would be unclear what the company actually does but would attract venture capitalists for unknown reasons and go on to become yet another success story happening to someone other than you. Or I could retrofit the back seats by cutting out a hole all the way to the street, attach a construction garbage bag liner and top it off with a toilet seat so that I could sell bathroom privileges to tourists, homeless people, and methadone enthusiasts. If I sit here long enough I could come up with more ideas, maybe even better ones.
There is an enclosed market near here, on Essex, and in addition to quality looking meats and vegetables and cheeses there is a religious curio purveyor and at this place front and center or slightly off center to the right is a religious collection box about 12 inches by 16 inches by 2 feet tall, made of plexiglass or chicken wire, you are not allowed to take pictures of it so I have no supplement to my memory, but whatever it is made of you can see through it and thereby witness inside of it a small statue of Jesus on crutches, complete with all the bloody man made punctures that later go on to become stigmata. I was alerted to this curiosity by a Jewish friend, Jerome, who carries on knowledgeably about all manner of subjects but is perhaps least expert about religious matters, be they Jewish or Catholic or otherwise. I will sometimes out of boredom or pique engage in argumentative discussions with Jerome but even at my most adamant I know I am wrong and just killing time until I am forced to concede, my stupidity lacking even humorous value. But this is all to say, smart as he may be, Jerome is frankly on the verge of being dumbfounded by what is the meaning of Jesus on crutches. I could Google it I guess but I have chosen to move from my street office into a fifth floor enclosure and free wireless signals are more hit and miss here. And just in case you are thinking, oh, Lower East Side New York, artsy fartsy hedonistic reprobates all of them, that this is probably some sort of art piece, some sort of making fun of God for arts sake kind of thing--no, I don't think it is.
I saw Bernadette a minute ago and she was going out there, into that NYC underbelly, and I ask her if she would bring me back a cupcake but when she responded querulously as to my seriousness I demurred, uh no, but now that's all I can think about, cupcakes, cupcakes, bring me cupcakes.
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