The Rigor
This area is suffering from the greatest drought since the Oklahoma dust bowl days so there won't be much fall color this year. There has been some talk of canceling Halloween due to the absence of the color orange. One man was heard to exclaim--what's the use? Without a pot to piss in people will piss against a tree or in a public restroom, or a coke bottle, or a pork n' beans can, or onto a tire, or in a doorway.
Consider the word--fervently. Now vehemence.
Hate to judge a book by its cover but passing through a neighborhood recently I saw in someone's front yard, pasted onto plywood, a 4X6 foot glossy color photocopy of an aborted fetus and I thought--I bet those people are against abortion.
One of the candidates for sheriff stopped by today. He looked to be about16 years old but I expect he is some older than that.
This morning, after a lengthy respite from doing the dishes I did the dishes.
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Jumping Jiminy Cats