whats with kendall jackson, eminently middlebrow?
- dave 9-13-2000 8:50 pm

dont know what the last two words mean but KJ is popular and over sold brand (stores sell at near cost to bring people in) quality can be low, the owner is making money buying up all kinds of land to grow more plunk, no more birds for Dr Wilson....FU KJ
- Skinny 9-14-2000 1:02 am [add a comment]

emin/mid = exceptionally average
- dave 9-14-2000 1:11 am [add a comment]

I didn't mean to be too snobby about it. I've had some good bottles. It's just that it is everywhere. It's the obvious thing to have on your list.
- jim 9-14-2000 1:11 am [add a comment]

  • i just wondered because that was one of the winemakers names my dad mentioned that bought their grapes. always good to have a relative idea of a labels reputation when you have no clue.
    - dave 9-14-2000 1:32 am [add a comment]

    • please note i am the snob--we are one--all is good--i left plenty o' dead shows saying that sucked and next thing you know its a head saying "man thats the best show i ever saw"--doesnt mean we should rip up all the available land to bottle plunk (there i go again)....
      - Skinny 9-14-2000 2:56 am [add a comment]

    • P.S. KJ's label reputation is very high a lot of people love the wines....
      - Skinny 9-14-2000 2:58 am [add a comment]

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