83 degrees with 66% humidity in my bedroom. might be sleeping on the couch.

- dave 7-05-2024 9:18 pm

whats the couch degree/humidity ratio?

- Skinny 7-05-2024 10:35 pm [add a comment]

good question. im about three feet from the a/c in the window and two feet from a fan on the coffee table so it feels cold. in fact i should probably get a top sheet now that i think about it. the sensor on the a/c remote says 77 but the thermometer w/the humidity readout says 79 and 58% humidity. usually once it drops down to about 78 outside the window fan in the bedroom is cooling enough but the humidity is the problem.

 either way i have to wear this stupid fucking sleep apnea thing just to up the miserability quotient and ive had a headache all day.

- dave 7-05-2024 11:59 pm [add a comment]

overcast and 76 degrees outside. 94% humidity. skies a cracklin'. now raining. 87 degrees and 79% humidity in my kitchen. 

managed to sleep pretty well. 5 straight hours on the couch then topped it off with 2 in damp bedroom.

- dave 7-06-2024 7:58 am [add a comment]

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Новое место для модных хайпбистов.
- WilliamsoiLi (guest) 7-06-2024 2:12 pm [add a comment]

i read that amazon was getting into the direct shipping from china game to compete with the likes of temu and aliexpress. just saw it firsthand when dipping my toe into the air conditioner market. yes, the sleeping on the couch is getting stale and the 10 day forecast is not looking promising. 

the first options that pop up on an amazon search have $59 name brand air conditioners! the catch, the delivery date is aug 6 - aug 28. so if you are in the market for an air conditioner for next summer....

- dave 7-10-2024 8:01 am [add a comment]

  • does kind of make you wonder what parts, labor and shipping along with profit margins are for a 60 dollar air conditioner? the same one bought other wise costs 3 or 4 times as much.

    - dave 7-10-2024 9:16 am [add a comment]

  • Weight and size is a factor with installation and winter storage 

    - bill 7-10-2024 11:32 am [add a comment]

    • size is a factor if i were to store it. have minimal closet space. most people leave them in year round. my other one is screwed into the metal framing around the window. only problem with that is potential draftiness in winter as the window is near where i sleep and is already a little drafty. also would preclude using window fan on nights when a/c is not needed. theres another window but opens to fire escape which means apt is less secure. i read fans in a/c which are loud and dont really work that well use a lot more power than normal ones.

      - dave 7-10-2024 12:24 pm [add a comment]

  • just went back to look at those $59 air conditioners. all the listings are gone. gonna say it was likely a third party scam posting because was too good to be true and was multiple units across multiple brands at the price. wonder what would have happened had i bought one.

    - dave 7-10-2024 1:15 pm [add a comment]

got a late summer reprieve. will be once again housesitting and plant watering in park slope for almost two weeks at the end of august. central a/c for the win!

now my penny pinching brain goes into overdrive as i factor in the late summer energy savings to my overall cost. still, having the a/c in the bedroom window year round is still holding me back, that and chronic indecisiveness. 

- dave 7-12-2024 10:09 am [add a comment]

  • You can use a cut up trash bag and duct tape to seal off drafts off season.

    - bill 7-12-2024 11:27 am [add a comment]

    • im sure that wouldnt look like ass especially if i did it.

      - dave 7-12-2024 11:48 am [add a comment]

    • Its supposed to. You could substitute cardboard if you prefer earth tones.
      - bill 7-12-2024 6:26 pm [add a comment]

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