On the comedy network is "BATTLEBOTS" a great 30 min show. each show has three battles between two RC armored robots. It is held behind bullet proof plexi walls for a live audiance. The playing field is riddled with buzzsaws and trap doors. It's pure hell and very violent but much more cleaned up than Survival Research. It seams more like those MIT bot competitions. ...and more than enough reason for dave to GET CABLE !
- bill 9-20-2000 6:14 pm

Here's the robot's site. I still don't think I want cable, but if you move to Canada you can see the Olympics in real time.
- alex 9-20-2000 6:50 pm [add a comment]

i swear, im trying. its harder than i thought. they said something about the color of my money.
- dave 9-20-2000 8:09 pm [1 comment]

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