any oregonians up on beaver brand mustards?

- dave 12-30-2024 10:13 am

not sold but not tasted

- Skinny 12-30-2024 11:01 am [add a comment]

  • you are not sold on them as a product but you havent ever tried it?

    - dave 12-30-2024 11:03 am [add a comment]

  • correct, great mustard is the reason to live
    - Skinny 12-30-2024 11:18 pm [add a comment]

I've had their mustard, horseradish sauce and tarter sauce. Not my favorite but i eat it pretty regularly becuse my local fish market carries it.

- steve 12-30-2024 1:54 pm [add a comment]

  • I just looked at their list. I've had a number of their products. For Chinese-style mustard, I usually just add water to a heaping spoonful of Colman's dry mustard. It's probably not skinny-approved, but if it's good enough for the Queen, it's good enough for me.






    - steve 12-31-2024 3:45 am [add a comment]

    • For Chinese mustard I use left over take-out packets from egg roll purchases. Love Coleman's and occasionally use it for my version of dijonase which I use on ham and Swiss sandwiches. I grow my own horseradish which comes out of the ground hot as hell.


      - bill 12-31-2024 9:40 am [add a comment]

  • Colemans is good, you happy me happy
    - Skinny 12-31-2024 2:48 pm [add a comment]

Right here! Dave's post!

- steve 12-31-2024 11:53 pm [add a comment]

- steve 12-31-2024 11:56 pm [add a comment]

  • seems like they could add a few flavors considering the worst five are also on the best list. 

    - dave 1-01-2025 9:35 am [add a comment]

Now I’m craving corn dogs.
- bill 1-01-2025 10:08 am [add a comment]

Moutarde de Bourgogne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Skinny 1-01-2025 11:09 pm [add a comment]

mustard war

- steve 1-02-2025 11:39 pm [add a comment]

  • i looked at the hot dog brands and was gonna say i like the boars head at the moment, the deli-style where they are all connected like old school links. apparently they had a big listeria outbreak and nine people died this past summer before a seven million pound recall. but they are now committed to food safety their home page assures.

    i bought these this summer at whole foods and thought they were a step above and not ridiculously overpriced either.

    - dave 1-03-2025 7:58 am [add a comment]

  • The subject is mustard

    - steve 1-03-2025 12:43 pm [add a comment]

    • once someone posts the mustard museum twice all bets are off.

      - dave 1-03-2025 1:12 pm [add a comment]

    • - dave 1-03-2025 1:34 pm [add a comment]

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