100 years of design
what the hell was neil young saying in greendale ? lots of charged imagery, not alot of meaning

then after a normal 2nd set, the last shot on the jumbotron is video freeze frame of yankees hat tossed on stage (NY, neil young, get it ?)
what dig med tree'er who works as a care taker for a friend who's victorian home (which isnt victorian) is mentioned in this nyt foodestate article?
Johnny Cash, the conscience of American music, has died: Well you wonder why I always dress in black
Why you never see bright colors on my back
And why does my appearance seem to have a somber tone
Well there's a reason for the things that I have on

I wear the black for the poor and the beaten down
Livin' in the hopeless hungry side of town
I wear it for the prisoner who has long paid for his crime
But is there because he's a victim of the times

I wear the black for those who've never read
Or listened to the words that Jesus said
About the road to happiness through love and charity
Why you'd think he's talking straight to you and me

Well we're doin' mighty fine I do suppose
In our streak of lightning cars and fancy clothes
But just so we're reminded of the ones who are held back
Up front there oughta be a man in black

I wear it for the sick and lonely old
For the reckless ones whose bad trip left them cold
I wear the black in morning for the lives that could have been
Each week we lose a hundred fine young men

And I wear it for the thousands who have died
Believin' that the Lord was on their side
I wear it for another hundred thousand who have died
Believin' that we all were on their side

Well there's things that never will be right I know
And things need changin' everywhere you go
But till we start to make a move to make a few things right
You'll never see me wear a suit of white

Oh I'd love to wear a rainbow every day
and tell the world that everything's okay
But I'll try to carry off a little darkness on my back
Till things're brighter I'm the man in black

from www.maninblack.net
I and everybody I talk to love Daisy May's BBQ, 623 11th Ave @46th St......
I've been patiently waiting for this story to break as it seems like the best (only?) hope of disrupting our beltway overlords. Next week Josh Marshall is going to post an interview with Joseph Wilson. If you don't know who he is you hopefully will soon. Here's the starter piece, but it gets way more interesting from there. After the Niger debacle described in the first piece, Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, was identified as an undercover CIA agent by "senior administration officials" to Robert Novak as reported in this article. Yes, she was outed by her own team! My understanding is that whether or not this was done to take some revenge on Wilson, the act of revealing a CIA agents identity is, shall we say, highly illegal. Like go to jail style illegal. And now Wilson himself is suggesting that the "senior official" in question is Karl Rove.

I am very much looking forward to this interview. I believe the press is dodging this story because it is just too incredibly hot. The pressure to keep the lid on this must be intense, as we are talking about the puppet master himself. But they won't be able to keep it quiet if people like Josh Marshall keep digging. This could be a very important story.
Film night at the Pentagon: The Battle of Algiers (via a mention from Bruno.)
On Tuesday, two days before the Sept. 11 anniversary, Attorney General John Ashcroft will be speaking in New York City in support of the controversial Patriot Act. This is yet another exploitation of Americans' fear and mourning to promote the Bush administration's political agenda.

The New York ACLU and the New York Bill of Rights Defense Campaign have organized a demonstration to show the broad public sentiment against this threat to our freedoms. They are asking all supportive people to attend with signs.

Please consider joining this important action during your lunch hour on Tuesday.

WHAT: Demonstration to demand the protection of our basic civil liberties, and counter Attorney General John Ashcroft, speaking in the latest installment of his stealth Patriot Act road show.

WHEN: Tuesday, September 9 at 12 noon

WHERE: Federal Hall, 26 Wall Street at Broad Street (next to NYSE) 2/3 or 4/5 to Wall Street or J/Z to Broad Street
Map: http://www.moveon.org/r?469

WHO: New York ACLU (www.nyclu.org), New York City Bill of Rights Defense Campaign (www.nycbordc.org), United for Peace and Justice (www.unitedforpeace.org), and 60 other civil liberties organizations. Contact Udi Ofer at (212) 344-3005 x242.

Please let us know you can attend
The situation is so completely FUBAR I don't know what good it does commenting, but here's a quote anyway:
"We're dealing with a country that can really finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon," Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz told Congress a week after the war began. Oil revenue, he predicted, "could bring between $50 billion and $100 billion over the course of the next two or three years."
Phew, at least we won't need another 87 billion or anything.

How many times does Wolfowitz get to be wrong before he becomes a serial miscalculator? (And where is Ken Pollack these days? Strangely quite it seems to me...)
how to talk about israel (nyt alert)
The End Is Near: Skinny has been told by his doctor that not only does he need electric shock therepy and re-hydration of the liver (two things he can deal with) but his cholesterol is in a bad way, "pick one either diet/exersice or drugs", Skinny is going for #1 SOON, the end is near.........
The Green Market was alive with melons, I love this one farmers yellow watermelons and thier arrival had me happy.....made my 5 ingredient Watermelon Mint Soup: Yellow Watermelon, Chocolate Mint, Shallot, Salt, Cherry Tomato (but from one farmer whom I adore)......medium melon seeded and with some mint in blender, chilled, on top add many halfed cherry tomato, sprinkle shallot, salt, than SLURP....I have thought of poshed up versions with herb oils or a more chunky version with crab meat, but have never made, next year??
After eating all over Manhattan there is no way GSI Midtown is not 3*
Qwik notes:

Pier 116 at 116 Smith, great beer and fried chicken!!!

LoZoo: delish, to me no Grand Sichuan but very good indead...1*

Lunch at Gramercy Tavern was only 4 app's but all were 3*

Craft: I have only now been to CraftBar for a beer and a delish sandwich,
but the scope of what he is doing is "holy shit",
did they yet rename that part of 19th Craft St??

Off to the market.....
kamila's photo blog
" Only one other film in history is more important, and that is the Kennedy-Zapruder film, which sold for $16 million." Happy bidding.
4pm: insufferable light begins to seep through permagray skies. rats scuttle back into sewers. home depot announces flatiron store.
Had dinner last night at the new Twilight 101. This is Christopher "el teddy" Chestnut's new place in the old Texarcana spot on 10th between 5th and 6th. Only the bar area is open now (including a couple of tables) but the full 80 to 90 seat back room will be open in "about a month."

Mediterranean tapas menu. Wines from Spain, France, and Italy produced within 100 miles of the sea. Everything we had was simple and good. Same with the moderately priced list (all available by the glass as well.) The room has a nice feel with lots of little details. Very enthusiastic staff. Great spot for a drink and small bite (or more) of food. Worth a look I think.
adding some movie oriented weblogs to the cinefiles portal page. the best of the lot thus far seems to be greencine.
just ran across this adaptation/susan orlean weblog maintained in part by jason kottke.
a blog about wes andersons next project, The Life Aquatic.
I've never been overly enthusiastic about Jeff Beck's recorded music but I saw him live at Wolftrap for the first time tonite and it was fantastic. Drummer formerly for Zappa was also impressive. Keyboard player was no slouch. Drive back here in light traffic took only one hour. I was only person on road for last three or four miles, which after driving in DC traffic is a sweet thing indeed.
just went to see Swimming Pool. nice tone for a psychological thriller but there wasnt much satisfaction with regards to the ending. maybe my lack of appreciation of metaphor is to blame. still worth seeing.
