High in a Christmas tree..
who is charmin?
exhuming mccarthy
game and quiz show panelist kitty carlilsle hart rip

she always appeared to be of another age (era) to me.
bunnies with cookies and pancakes on their heads and stuff
Scott Lipscomb, Iraq Body Count US spokesperson on the number of Iraqi civilian casualities since the war was launched. "about 30,000." lipscomb believes it was scripted not unscripted as touted based on the framing of the question to coincide with his websites way of compiling numbers. and bush never goes off script, except when he does and it goes very badly. on leonard lopate today. isnt that cheating?
tivo as distribution hub
restaurant makeover on food network
I don't remember Dave's pickup truck sounding exactly like this, but for some reason the video made me remember riding along on many an Atwells Ave to The Coffee Exchange run. (34 MB Quicktime movie)
rip rp
the third man is on tcm at eight and reruns tomorrow at six.
has woody made a movie that people might actually want to see?
"In Thursday’s post I mentioned that my first big Olduvai entry would be a visual history of Proboscideans in North America. In looking over what I was getting myself into, I of course discovered that there was no way I could draw and “colorize” (at least – more if you subdivide Gomphotherium at all) 15 different genera spanning 14+ million years of elephantness. Next time I review and research first, open mouth later."
i was never a particular devotee but if you have a hankering for neon and cigarette boats you might want to turn on tvland for their all-day miami vice marathon.
the ny times jumps the blog.

Samuel L. Jackson plays Gin Rummi, a white hip-hop gansta who's a cross between the fictional character Jules Winnfield (of Pulp Fiction) and the real life character Donald Rumsfeld.

Rummi is back from a tour in Iraq looking from WMDs.

Rummi: Well no we ain't find none. But I always say the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.
Riley: What?
Rummi: Simply because you don't have evidence that something does exist does not mean you have evidence of something that doesn't exist.
Riley: What?
Rummi: What country are you from?
Riley: What?
Rummi: What ain't no country I ever heard of. They speak english in what?
Riley: What?
Rummi: English mother f***er! Do you speak it?
Riley: Yeah.
Rummi: So you understand the words I'm saying to you!
Riley: Yeah.
Rummi: Well what I'm saying is that there are known known and known unknown. But there are also unknown things that we don't know that we know.
Riley: What?
Rummi: Say what again! Say what again, mother f***er! I dare you! I double dare you! Say what one more time!

That's just a taste of the Best Boondocks Ever.
im flummoxed by r smiths need to crunch fashion and art colors in this mash-up review.

this is the worst idea since mtv's house of style crunched fashion and grunge music.
my neighbor had jury duty yesterday, and if i heard him correctly, they had wifi available while you wait but they charge $8 for the privilege. i wonder how much they charged for air. glad to see commerce alive and well in the halls of justice. although i was excited to hear it said that if you bring a guilty verdict, you get a free metro card and twofers for the matinee performance of spamalot.
chef interrupted interrupted
"If you really want to hurt your parents, and you don’t have the nerve to be a homosexual, the least you can do is go into the arts. But do not use semicolons. They are transvestite hermaphrodites, standing for absolutely nothing. All they do is show you’ve been to college." ¯ Kurt Vonnegut
from the editor of disinformation - rare erotica blog
hotline blog: now with more 'bling'.
larry david - from radical narcissist to radical environmentalist