Quake II mod:
You finally saw the yacht in the seemingly random bunch of dots! You can see the dinosaurs and dolphins in the Magic-Eye books! Now use your skills to free yourself from your evil extra-dimensional zombie oppressors! Welcome to Quake II as it was never meant to be.
Quake II AbSIRD is a modification of the Quake II graphics engine to produce SIRDS instead of standard 3D images.
I was never very good at seeing those magic-eye things, but it always surprised me how cool it was when I did get it. Of course the first thing I wondered was whether you could produce the effect with moving images. Evidently you can. Not sure this has any practical applications (I guess it depends on how hard it is to see and whether it gives you a massive head ache and makes you cross eyed or something like that,) but I'd love to try it out. Windows only unfortunately.
the next generation
sulzbergers earning his wings in providence.
finally an uplifting show about a
mormon family. nope, nothing salacious going on here, just good clean living.
beers in aluminum cans, ehhh.. beers in aluminum bottles,
"How the Museum of Modern Art Sold its Soul"
cover story of The New Republic, article by Jed Perl.
I have low hopes for
V for Vendetta, since Alan Moore comic adaptations to film haven't been good so far, and he's disowned this one. The Wachowsis have some balls, though--this is about a terrorist blowing up buildings in a near-futuristic but Thatcher-like England. It's a really unsettling comic.
Welcome to
OED Online. We're giving access to the OED so you can explore words with the new BBC TV series Balderdash and Piffle, now running in the UK (more about the series). Until 13 February, you can use the OED to look up any word starting with the letters featured in the programmes—or pick a quick link to see one of the words highlighted this week.
Index of animated GIFs demonstrating math concepts.
rind wednesday at 8 pm on fam (dave liked it)