DirecTV Moves to Put Net on Power Grid

Currently limited to The Metroplex(tm), also known as Dallas-Fort Worth. This gives DIRECTV a route to triple play (voice, video, data). Telephony can ride over the IP link (Voice over IP, aka VoIP). This helps counter the triple play offerings of cable and telco operators.
the enemies of reason
rip da scooter
East River turbine update:
The small number of turbines already placed in the East River by Verdant Power have been temporarily removed as the strong currents continue to overwhelm the physical construction of the underwater "windmills." The six turbines that were placed in the water last December and were capable of supplying 1,000 daily kilowatt hours of power and serving the Gristedes supermarket on Roosevelt Island could not withstand currents....

The New York Times reports that the company is encountering the setbacks with optimism, encouraged that the East River possesses even more power than originally planned for. "'The only way for us to learn is to get the turbines into the water and start breaking them,' said Trey Taylor, the habitually optimistic founder of Verdant Power."
Today is the 8th anniversary of the registering of
The other day I was pondering how scientists tattoo themselves with their science.
Air Reality
Just returned from a beach trip with Burnadette and JimL. NPR is reporting that Rove has resigned. Seems a lot has happened these past 4 days..
rip elizabeth murray
Her sources ranged from C�zanne, Picasso, Gris and Mir� to Stuart Davis, Al Held and Agnes Martin. As she remarked in the 1987 catalog to her first big museum show, which traveled to the Whitney in 1988: �Everything has been done a million times. Sometimes you use it and it�s yours; another time you do it and it�s still theirs.�
just flipped on meet the press to see markos (daily kos) moulitsas on.
canadian geese on the move out in bucks co.
Dock Ellis
SCO v. IBM and Novell: End of the line

A company created (out of the shell of a reputable company) to extract money from Linux users fails to monetize their litigation strategery.
little league world series on espn tonight and all day tomorrow.
tornados in bkln (kensington area / rooftops torn off brownstones and trees down ) / flooding / nyc commute chaos this am
Exorbitant award in Alcatel-Lucent MP3 patent case overturned -- US judge overturns $1.5 bn ruling against Microsoft
Help keep real journalism ALIVE if you can, but everyone should know about Greg Palast
In 2003, France got a glimpse of what the future may hold. A summer heat wave broke all temperature records, straining the country's medical and energy resources. But a future of warmer summers could bring unexpected pleasures � including wine.

The town of St. Emilion lies in heart of a France's famous Bordeaux wine region. Beside just about every road there are row upon row of exquisitely manicured grapevines. Francois Despagne, the winemaker at Chateau Grand Corbin Despagne, explains that it is impossible to produce good wine without good grapes. And he should know. Despagne's family has been living in this part of the Bordeaux wine region since the 16th century. Today, he has 200,000 plants on 53 different plots.
We've come a long way since the 1964 presidential election in which nuclear weapons were code for "bat shit crazy".
I've posted a bunch of stuff from Bruce Schneier over the years. He's the most widely known computer security expert, who has broadened his field greatly after 9/11 and now writes extensively on real world security. I think his technical background serves him very well, and I really am hoping there is some place for him in some under secretary role in a Dem administration. Or short of that I hope they read him at least. If I was president I'd put him in charge of Homeland Security (if for some reason I couldn't abolish that department - or at least rename it!)

Anyway, here's a post of his about the California voting Machine audit results. Follow up post is here. It's a little technical, but not too bad. Long story short: all the machines are easily hackable. We knew this already, but it still is nice to have some actual details. Posted for future reference if nothing else.
"gnarliest slam ive ever seen" / walks away

via addman
someone recommended this korean-california frozen yogurt chain which now has 4 nyc locations - pinkberry.
