Worst answer ever. Almost seems like he did it on purpose. Like he's a good soldier, and he'll do what he's told by his commander, including weeks of shameless political pandering, but he's not going to take all the blame - he's just the military genius in charge of Iraq.
In any case, that answer isn't going to fly. Or, worse for the Republicans, it really will fly but just not in the way they wanted. Chris Matthews has almost had three heart attacks today blasting Petraeus over it. "How can we send our sons and daughters off to war when their commanding officer doesn't even know if it is making us safer?" That's so obvious even a pundit can get it.
Still, yeah, I know it won't change anything. Except maybe to make it a little more uncomfortable for Bush while he's doing what he wants to anyway. But that's something at least.
How long before the wingnuts start to trot out the "I never liked Petraeus and his PHD Ivy League staff anyway - they're just a bunch of east coast elites who don't have the guts to do the job?"
Don't want to kill an animal in Reno, just to eat it up? Pneumatic Diner, 501 W. First at Ralston St., near the Truckee River walk. For those who crave animal protein, they serve eggs all day. I recommend the huevos rancheros. The tofu parmigian was good too.
markos is pretty useless as a pundit but chris matthews is a buffoon in the nicest sense of the word. i dont know where he pulled this reference from.
also watched part of olbermann. he has an interview with john dean who seems to crank out a new book every month but i had to close my eyes because the camera kept swooping around during the interview. note to msnbc: a news program is not a theme ride. i dont want to feel dizzy while contemplating the destruction of our system of checks and balances. and dont tell me its some kind of visual metaphor...
Redeeming Rainbow (3 roomates living in jersey city)
You'd think that having a rainbow for a roommate would be nice. You'd be WRONG! Two guys (and comedian Kristin Schaal) learn firsthand that living with ROY G BIV is a little lame - and creepy.
When hankering for Mexican foord in Salt Lake City -- Not Just Mormons Anymore! -- check out the Red Iguana. Not to be confused with the Blue Iguana.
The ‘Entourage’ Guilt/Pleasure Index: French People Love Jerry Lewis, Hate ‘Medellin’
Many say the incident might not have happened if not for the
greenwald cribs my pullquote. although i also liked the bit about ashcrofts wife sticking her tongue out at fredo and card after their now infamous hospital arm twisting session with her husband.
bremer says fu to the-buck-stops-elsewhere bush.
i had all but given up on the bond franchise but i finally got around to casino royale and i was pleasantly surprised. the excess was trimmed, the camp took a vacation, and the bond humanized. hope they can maintain the proper mixture next time around which imdb lists as nov 08.