Riverbend: Bloggers Without Borders...
Looks like the Google phone is really a Google phone operating system as many people expected.
Most major handset makers, with the exception of Nokia (NOK), have devices with Google Mobile OS under development; Samsung and Motorola (MOT) are being linked to it as well. (as are HTC and LG Electronics, according to the Journal.)
It's linux running an optimized version of java.

This is great. I doubt Apple is scared, but at least this should give them some healthy competition (and they might be a little bit scared.)
halloween moon
Qualcomm Challenges WiMAX with Gobi
you win
Gore / Bloomberg third party ticket? Anybody else heard rumors?
FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds will now tell all - and face charges if necessary - to any major television network that will let her. Could be very interesting.
New Poll Suggests Stephen Colbert Should Be Frontrunner Within a Month!
AT&T Moto Q Global -- Not as cool as the other AT&T smartphone, but it supports MS Outlook. It's a Q 9h (GSM, etc., etc.) with GPS.
Interesting report of discussions with top Comcast executives about the recent traffic shaping charges (specifically that they are screwing with BitTorrent traffic.) Short version - they're going after the seeders:
"we're worried about someone using an exceptional amount of bandwidth to feed the world's information."
Rudy! -- Giuliani Defends, Employs Priest Accused of Molesting Teens.

He's not just presidential, his pope-a-riffic!
I touched the faceted glass, cool, but not cold. A floral-citrus aroma rose up, and as I took my first sip I marveled at how soft and delicate the carbonation was, the bubbles giving the flavors lift and energy without aggression.

This was beer the really old-fashioned way. Today most draft beers are injected with carbon dioxide, filtered and often pasteurized, stored in pressurized kegs and served through gas-powered taps.

But the beer I was served was unpasteurized and unfiltered. Like the earliest bubbly brews, it was naturally carbonated, or conditioned, in its cask by yeast transforming sugar into alcohol with a side of fizzy carbon dioxide trapped in the cask. And it was served by muscle power pumping the ale up from its cask into the mug.
via edo
Czechs say want no Russian soldiers at radar site
-- The hilarity of unbridled incompetence. Didn't anyone think to ask the Czechs about having Russians at the proposed Star Wars (the Phantom Menace) radar sites before making the offer to Putin? Would that there were a prominent Sovietologist somewhere in the administration. In other news, the Turkish Army has been invited to set up training camps in northern Iraq.
parino show closes next saturday, plan to go today
elevator to the gallows on tcm now
hawk mountain anyone saturday.

daily count
problem loading page
Two former high-ranking policy experts from the Bush Administration say the U.S. has been gearing up for a war with Iran for years, despite claiming otherwise. It'll be Iraq all over again.
Exciting day today. Flew to San Diego for a meeting. Meeting was canceled due to evacuation of facility. (SoCal is on fire.) Was about to fly back when I noticed my laptop was gone. Left it in the seatback pocket. Phone calls to a couple of computer geeks I know (starting with JimL, then MB) to get my yahoo email password changed. Flew back. Busy changing other passwords, just in case. Five minutes ago found out my laptop is in San Diego. Now need to arrange transport for said ancient computing device. Always carry a machine with low residual value. (It was teh awsum!!!! in 2003.)
gary mule deer or steven wright
