i was one of a dozen lucky guests at a post-show dinner cooked by the italian performance group societas raffaello sanzio last weekend in seattle. to my delight i just found their eggplant recipe posted here
Getting Past the '60s? It's Not Going to Happen

Good flashback on the reactionaries who are so often forgotten. Here's one I'll never get over:

"If it takes a bloodbath, let's get it over with." California Governor Ronald Reagan, April 7, 1970, in reference to using state violence to suppress protests at UC Berkeley.

lessig speaks up for obama.
Recommendations for lunch in Napa/Yountville/Sonoma area? (French Laundry is booked.) One of the diners is a vegetarian. The other is (mostly) an omnivore.
coffee floats tea sinks
shine 8/07
I'm still trying to get my mind around yesterday's news that Exxon's 2007 profit of 40 billion dollars equates to 1,300 dollars a second.
dont really care about the world of hobbits but if i did id be glad to hear that the director of pans labyrinth is taking over directorial responsibilities .
first family?

first family

eat wild
local harvest
And this is without the Dems campaigning in Fla.


from here
hectors video pics
skinny's been cooking some amazing heirloom beans from this place. yum!
dumpling house on eldridge underwent a reno over new years and i just paid them my first visit. id often go to the dumpling place on allen because it was quicker and less chaotic. its still quicker but the food is undeniably better and the menu is more expansive on eldridge and now theyve mitigated some of the chaos by adding a numbered check system. no more elbowing for space at the counter and hoping to get served. plus they added another storefront so its spacious (by comparison) and the kitchen is much larger so the food prep is faster. all this did not come without a cost however as dumplings are now 4 for $1 instead of 5. normally id howl at such price gouging but ill wait until the move to 3 for a buck.

now ive got to go. my roast pork noodle soup is getting cold.
While sitting at your desk lift your right foot off the ground and start making clockwise circles with it. Now raise your right hand in the air and draw the number 6. Your foot will switch to making counter clockwise circles.

Huh? Found here.
cat acter?

"My Blueberry Nights is a 2007 film directed by Wong Kar Wai, starring Norah Jones and Jude Law. It also features Rachel Weisz, Natalie Portman, David Strathairn and Cat Power. "
hot hot heat
juno what...?
the C word