was quite enjoying limitless right up until they ran out of ideas which is ironic since its about a drug which allows you limitless intelligence. but in the end the script wore off much like the drug.
part one: my fav green is in the market, it has a nice crunch when cooked light and it keeps the yellow flowers intact, added what could be the last of the wild asparagus and spring onions that are loosing the spring
Asparagus Tamales
With a restaurant in Milwaukie and mobile tamale kitchens at several local farmers� markets (notably the Thursday evening Buckman Farmers� Market), Canby Asparagus Farm has cornered the market on asparagus tamales. Choose between chicken and asparagus, pork and asparagus, and �asparagus only� and layer on the salsa and crema for a kicky take on the steamed and stuffed staple.
Canby Asparagus Farm, Casa de Tamales, 10605 SE Main St., Milwaukie and at local farmers markets.
tomorrow at 245 est on fox is the biggest soccer game of the year, the champions league final between manchester united and barcelona. it worked out well that the winner of the english premier league is up against the top team in spain. so if you watch one game this year, this would be it. and then we can all talk about how boring it is.
you have to suffer through listening to adam carolla pontificate but heres an hour and a half conversation with albert brooks who is out promoting his new book.
"PBS will begin breaking into programs with underwriting and promo spots four times per hour on an experimental basis beginning this fall, it told station members at the PBS National Meeting here."
last try
my yahoo mail tracks trending stories and lists the top ten. the other day it said "jennifer anniston", the prevailing news story linked to yahoo news noted that her beloved dog had died. oooh, topical!
today the "trending now" banner across the top of my email page read "may 21 judgment day". i just hope its true what they say, that all good dogs go to heaven. wait, no one says that? shit. now what am i supposed to do with this beagle costume?
Leafsnap is the first in a series of electronic field guides being developed by researchers from Columbia University, the University of Maryland, and the Smithsonian Institution. This free mobile app uses visual recognition software to help identify tree species from photographs of their leaves.
Leafsnap contains beautiful high-resolution images of leaves, flowers, fruit, petiole, seeds, and bark. Leafsnap currently includes the trees of New York City and Washington, D.C., and will soon grow to include the trees of the entire continental United States.
"As if Netflix�s rapidly growing Watch Instantly catalog�which now boasts the recent addition of the Miramax library�and its ambitions to be considered in the same company of broadcast cable weren�t evidence enough that it has the whole media world stuffed inside a little red envelope, consider this: Nearly one-third of all bandwidth belongs to Netflix users during primetime hours, making it the largest single source of Internet traffic overall."
"When President Barack Obama took office, in 2009, he championed the cause of government transparency, and spoke admiringly of whistle-blowers, whom he described as �often the best source of information about waste, fraud, and abuse in government.� But the Obama Administration has pursued leak prosecutions with a surprising relentlessness. Including the Drake case, it has been using the Espionage Act to press criminal charges in five alleged instances of national-security leaks�more such prosecutions than have occurred in all previous Administrations combined. The Drake case is one of two that Obama�s Justice Department has carried over from the Bush years."
"Not content to have a mere three animated comedies on the Fox schedule, Family Guy mastermind Seth MacFarlane is developing a fourth ... and it's a doozy. Deadline reports that MacFarlane has gotten the green light to mount a new version of The Flintstones, the original prime-time cartoon. It's the result of years of negotiation, and MacFarlane intends for the show to potentially spawn movies, too. Considering the source, we expect Dino to suddenly get a lot more lines."