so im minding my own business watching comedy central when i realize the first commercial break seemed kind of long but i thought maybe the first segment was long and they were just compensating. but the second and third breaks were just as long which is when i realized that they added six extra minutes of commercials to a rerun of a show that aired earlier. also the reruns of the daily show and colbert also had six extra minutes tacked on. so i scrolled through there entire schedule for a few days and almost every show that wasnt first run had between three and six minutes of extra commercials.
so theres that.
just the other day i was wondering just how rich
this bastard was, rich enough to start pissing off his neighbors apparently.
i, nephi: mormonism and its meanings.
by adam gopnik
are you ready for some
football? well, english premier league gets underway this weekend so no rest for those sports weary brits. have to say that its somewhat anti-climactic when the league is so top heavy. only three teams are considered serious contenders while three others are given an outside shot at winning and as spain has only two teams with a fighting chance, barcelona and real madrid, it makes sense that the
champions league draws so much attention as theres at least some question as to who will be competitive.
still, maybe i should try to read a book. has a new mark twain come out recently. that last one was a corker.
Jersey City BYOB spot rated one of the top new restaurants in the country by Bon Appetit
no phone, no substitutions, no party's bigger than 4, hear its yumyum
Spiced Dark and Stormy: Chinese five-spiced Gosling�s dark rum, house brewed ginger beer, lime. $9 @
Tell the USDA: Don't Trust the Makers of the GE Apple!
A Canadian company is asking the USDA to approve a genetically engineered (GE) apple that will not brown when exposed to oxygen.
We know that sliced apples turn brown, but they don't lose any flavor or nutritional value, and not even the apple industry wants this genetically engineered product. So why is this Canadian company spending millions of dollars on developing the GE apple? It's all about the $120 million in profits they are projected to receive in the first ten years of bringing the GE apple to market.
But is that money worth putting an unlabeled, untested, unnecessary and potentially unsafe product out on the market? We don't think so!
Tell the USDA to reject the GE apple today.
Hey JML, you still got that land near Bastrop? They want $500 a night at motels in Bastrop for the F1 race.
finally a mass murder liberals can embrace. its just unfortunate it reads like an onion piece. but really, can we expect our homegrown morans to grasp the difference between sikhs and muslims? a towelhead is a towelhead,
amirite? and yes, if you are confused, im referring to the mars rover.
Safe landing on mars. 1st image in is low res hazcam fish eye b/w landscape w in mins.
14 min delay
some jews and the gays
can't believe I have never read this before!