hallelujah I'm a bum
The second Oscar dead at 90.
Happy birthday brother aw!

Strange and True

got shine?

moonshiners marathon on DSC
how animals see the world.
freedomworks feud
ho ho hum


not mushrooms


dave's scholar's rock
i am liking woody allens to rome with love although admittedly i am taking small bites. clearly fellini is his guiding light for this effort and while its mostly just silly it feels less self conscious and ponderous than many of his recent efforts.
the apocalypse would have saved you from this.

David Holzman's Diary is on hulu upper set side 1967. Staring kit Carson. Recommended fauxcumentary
spider decoys
Too soon

Diane Arbus, Xmas tree in a living room in Levittown, Long Island, 1963

The frost blankets have been deployed. Tuesday projected to get down to 33 F.

winter veggies hanging out under the frost blanket
bird photo booth for iPhone
melted snowman cookie tutorial
Food faith at the end of time.
VCR alert for A Christmas Carol on TCM tonight at 9:30. As I stated last year, this is the best version, and tonight is the only showing for this season. There will, however, be plenty of chances to see other treatments, as ACC is one of the all time most filmed pieces of literature out there (without even getting into the many non-traditional versions spun off from the basic premise.) Of course it�s public domain, and short, but the plot is so tight, and with so much good dialogue, that it�s pretty hard to mess up. An interesting comparison table is here.
raw zucchini "pasta" with an avocado & pea pesto

Via brc
Gertrude Goldschmidt Gego

Goog images / tumblr
