rumor is the real deal in peruvian.....

the order of things (itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini)


35 years ago: the tribeca bridge project

use value art (pdf)

anybody see the nice guys?  is there a post that is going to magically appear when im not looking? pretty amusing thus far. russell crowe definitely let himself go. streaming it from my computer with a newly purchased googlecast. not completely won over but pretty good option for $30 if like me you are tired of tripping over cords.

MB have you been here yet for oysters??

im only two eps in but two thumbs up for netflix's stranger things, the retro 80s supernatural thriller.

rest in peace..........

Watching movies again.......

Exorcist.....that was fun!!

Metroplis Restored......painful but brilliant

Star Trek.......still love them

Best buy of the year.....$5.60 each!!

Can anyone ID this?

chorizo, bread & butter pickles, spicy brown mustard on seeded rye

seltzer water w/lemon wedge

Late summer goodness. Squash and fingerlings from down the road. Halibut with avo-stachio sauce. Super sweet corn on the cob not shown. 



Your work is often built upon a system of variation. But it is never very obvious whether this system follows as a precise rule. Do the existing possibilities stand for all the other unrealized ones?

I just do the possibilities which are the most interesting. I don’t want to realize a comprehensive sequence of all the possible solutions. Because usually just some of them are good. Usually I can think of many more possibilities than I can afford to build.




In The Experimenters: Chance and Design at Black Mountain College, Eva Diaz describes the discordant yet equally hermetic teaching methodologies of Joseph Albers, John Cage, and R. Buckminister Fuller that were developed during the years immediately following World War II at Black Mountain College. The “unaccredited college in rural Appalachia became a vital hub of cultural innovation” and was known primarily for artistic experimentation and its holistic aim “to educate a student as a person and a citizen.” It had a major impact on what would become contemporary artistic practice during and after the mid-1940s and early 1950s. Located in western North Carolina, the college’s history presents a dynamic narrative of radical innovation in terms of educational philosophy. In addition to Albers, Cage, and Fuller, other famous participants include Merce Cunningham, Clement Greenberg, Franz Kline, Willem de Kooning, and Robert Motherwell. Among many prominent students, Robert Rauschenberg, Cy Twombly, and Kenneth Noland contributed to the college’s reputation for free experimentation and artistic diversity.


i love Dick

first attempt was just OK......Coho w/ crispy chanterelles

Mayor Bill de Blasio was asked about his thoughts on the statue.  "That is a frightening thought," de Blasio said. When he's wearing clothes I don't like him. I can only imagine what he's like without clothes."

De Blasio added, "of course we are not going to let people put up ad hoc statues."

A hawk (I think? Alex?) on the fire escape across the street.

Pig in a box

shrimp perloo
