More trouble with names and fancy language.
Owing to priority rules in paleontological nomenclature, Tyrannosaurus rex is in danger of losing its name. Say it ain’t so, Manospondylus! (via Ancient World Web)
found this listing of vineyards while searching for stagecoach vineyards. my father has some stake in it. i dont think they are bottling wines,just harvesting. he mentioned that they grow for cabernet and one of the buyers was kendall jackson. thats about all i know.
Yes, the site was down for some time yesterday afternoon/evening. I'm not sure of the exact length of the outage. When I got home from a late dinner everything was back up. I know some of you are getting really slow connection speeds (although for others it seems O.K.) I'm trying to understand this problem, and while I'm not near any sort of solution, I have learned a bit more about internet topology. Hopefully we'll be able to get everyone up to speed soon.
6/10/00 Chez Polaner--learned a simple Sardenia dish--will cook it soon--tuna steak that you wash than dry in a towel and do as the French Laundry chef does run a knife over the it and scrape any water off the surface (it help's sear better)--grill or pan cook than slice up add salt pepper herbs olive oil, cover with arugala and chill--later serve by scooping the tuna holding the arugala and flip on plate--great w/ french red burgundy or cab franc from the loire valley both slighty chilled too!!
Siamese Twin Cat
reports are that Blue Hill is awesome--lots of buzz in the food / wine bizz--chef came from???...El Bulli!!!
6/8/00 dinner at 71 Clinton Fresh Foods--fab again--i didnt taste but he did a Foie Gras(sp?) soup that freaked the table--new desserts were twisted and expanded presentations of the dishes rocked--we all brought the best wines we could get and mine were the top two (not only to me)--1978 Bartelo Moscarello Barolo & 1995 Weinbach Tokay Quintessence de Grains Noble "Cuvee 100th Year" (best dessert wine i ever tasted) other yummy's were 90 Echezeaux DRC, 92 Weil Spatlese Trocken, 92 Grivolet Meursault Clos de Perriere...SPOKE TO WYLIE ABOUT THE "GREAT CHEFS AND SHAMANS" DINNER BY AMAZON CONSERVATION TEAM AND SUSAN SARANDON....
coincidence?? i was on my way to 71 Clinton St for dinner and in the cab was a book full of #'s and personal photos and Huichol photos--there was a card for Chicama (see below) and it turns out he did the glass wear for them--just tracked him down through Chicama's manager at a friends house and he is on the way over to pick it up (p.s he hadnt even realized he lost this--maybe that means he didnt)
6/7/00 Rhone Restaurant new spot with 99% Rhone list (champagne)--we liked the food, chef ex Gramercy Tavern, wine list is of course interesting and will be even better when the more 98's roll in this year. and if they start to rock hopefully lots of older and rarer juice will show up...they got 16 bottle's of Raymond Trollat Saint Joseph 1996 (now 15 and list saz 97) @ $44--it is really worth a trip to the bar or a cheese plate!! VERY RARE JUICE
roadside attraction
moshi moshi
behold! the chomskybot!
im not sure. does this belong in sustenance? i guess that depends on who you are asking.
the owners of Babbo, Lupa etc have opened a fish restaurant called Ekra?? 43 and 9th--i am going week of June 18th anyone want to come w/ me and the lovely Linda (hope shes coming)--Suyra also that week too so lets pick some dates--i'm on liver detox next week all 7 days!!
I put some navigation links on the discussion pages. Is that what was wanted? Also, I don't think anyone we don't know is reading the site, but if this isn't true it must have been a pretty frustrating read. I just saw this morning that if you weren't signed in, the system would print out all comments in a section all the way back to the beginning. This made the group page many hundreds of K, and basically unusable. Fixed that, so while everything is still slow, it is much more reasonable now. I must remember to keep testing things without being signed in.
6/6/00 first nyc mojito (very expensive) excellente but we will try to do better on the roof of 135R one night??:>) than to Meigas was very taste E--my favs was salmon served in a cream gaspacho(sp?), the seafood risotto with seared scallop's on top, pepper's stuffed w/tuna, everything was good to excellent one dish was weak due to overcooking, all reports on the suckling pig were top notch--dessert super super fun, bread very very weak (but the same in spain / its very rare to find good bread)--wine list lacked something but we had some tasty older wines for fair prices--expensive night over all--MB has put Suyra as next stop on the World Pro Sustenance Tour
6/5/00 lots of food at Chez Beavers but best of all was the Mag of 1960 Vega Unico (thanks Peter Wasserman)
Ask the Wheel

I'm passing this question on for a friend (oh O.K., it's for my Mom.) Any words of wisdom for her?
"I leave Friday the 16th in the AM for two weeks in Burgundy at a house we have rented in Vezelay (near Auxerre).... Please ask Michael if he has any wine or winery suggestions. We will have two cars and lots of time. We are about 1 hour drive west of Dijon or Beaune. We have cut out many articles and understand the vagaries of the grape in that area. We are just south of Chablis, yet the four of us are generally red wine enthusiasts, but not stupid or intransigent. It may just be that this area is not as lush as the prior rental in Provence just up the lane from Gigondas. Now that was a place to drink wine!"
what happened to my d-day comment? can anyone see it?
Try the Glam Name Generator
if you have some time to kill, barbelith has a fun little riddle to solve.
For breakfast Pillsbury cinnamon rolls hot from the oven, coffee (Community brand New Orleans blend with chickory mixed with the last few ground up Columbians), and the sweet solitude of la casa blanca on Dumaine.
Today I am taking off from work to offer myself to the crowd scene that will be the festivities surrounding the opening of the new D-Day museum here in New Orleans, Louisiana. The rain that has been lacking down here for over a year has arrived so it is not ideal parade weather, and on top of that I am not a huge fan of parades, but today I will buy an umbrella and pay my respects to the men and women of the last great fight. I am feeling inexplicably patriotic today, yearning for something that may only be a myth, but what a myth it is.
Dave suggested sustenance as a name for this section. I like it. Any objections? Other suggestions?
6/4/00--La Bouillabaisse on Atlantic ave in Brooklyn--was good but too rich on the sauces for me--i enjoyed the two dishes with the spicy marinara(sp?) sauce most--but lots of fresh seafood (and other stuff) not a fun list but only $4 corkage--we ended the meal w/ poached pear & blue cheese served with 90 Quinterelli Amarone(thanks Jim)