Bored to death. 

made it 30 minutes into the banshees of irish people then i had to take a feckin' break. 

might be my new thing to keep track of – how long can a make it through something before taking a break.

might have to take a break from making a list about things im taking a break from. 

seems kind of pointless.

wow. so pointless i didnt even post it. 

now another break 24 minutes later but if theres no time stamp did it really happen?

has any of it really happened?

and what is it?

RR 381 Lafayette 

tv magic

wont be long before new york turns into one of those cities that goes batshit crazy because it got three inches of snow once every five years.

want to see the research that goes into the five most popular cocktails.... this month! and yeah, sure, a non-alcoholic one is top 5. when did negronis take over the world?

i want to feed into the stereotype that this sort of distinction is why jews made good lawyers but i imagine all religions have this absurd level of specificity. anyway just stumbled on this when someone posted something about an AI Rabbi because AI. i just read and exchange someone generated in AI with Mary I of England.

this pertains to  which prayer to say over bread as opposed to other grain-related offering like cake but the jewiness comes in what i guess are the endless debates over what constitutes what. i am actually familiar with "hamotzee" though honestly cannot recall seeing it in transliteration as it is part of a common prayer that one says before.... i guess eating a sabbath meal. this is not something we would do but it was probably part of breaking bread during any holiday meal celebration. 

Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, hamotzi lechem min ha'aretz. Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has brought forth bread from the earth.

If you don’t want censorship from the right, you can’t have it from the left.

French president Emmanuel Macron (R) meets with Russian president Vladimir Putin (L) in Moscow on 7 February, 2022

Is there a white noise thread already?

reasonable centerist take on russian invasion and by center i mean between russia and the west. looking up the institute behind the oped is eye opening, its a think tank originally co-funded by soros and koch. strange bedfellows though soros has long had relations with russia.

During the initial run of the film, a Dane died while laughing during a screening, which led newspapers to report that he had died from laughter. The official cause of death was heart fibrillation which may have been caused by an increased heart rate due to extended laughter.

(25 year ago)

i guess its a pretty slight mrs maisel type show in a more traditional sitcom format but nice little comedic star turn for gemma arterton in the nick hornsby adapted funny woman. i remember reading years ago that arterton eschewed roles after awhile that were mostly about her looks (which are very looky) so stands to reason she would make something thats about an shopgirl turned actress trying to get jobs/roles not based solely on her looks. and sure set it in swinging london because who doesnt look good in mid sixties garb. a bit obvious but not bad.

bout to watch a us women national team soccer game on... hbomax? stumbled on a game over the weekend and miraculously recalled they were playing again today. most of the old guard from the world cup winners seem to be gone or injured. one of the younger leaders is mallory swanson, nee mal pugh who just married some mlb player. i thought he would be loaded but net worth listed him at $5 million which is peanuts these days for a major leaguer. but fear not, mallory swanson, nee mal pugh, will be the envy of her teammates after all. her hubby just signed a seven year $177 million dollar contract with the cubs. so fuck you, indeed! 

saw this victorian era cigarette card (the brand was based in rochester) which got me thinking about tins of loose tobacco i/we got when living in blue hill maine 30 years ago this summer. remembered the green tins but didnt have anything else to go on name-wise. even after seeing the tin it took a while for the name to click into place, three castles. was good stuff though almost too moist.

leveling seattle

ATLANTA (Feb. 18, 2023) — After a series of short hospital stays, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter today decided to spend his remaining time at home with his family and receive hospice care instead of additional medical intervention. He has the full support of his family and his medical team. The Carter family asks for privacy during this time and is grateful for the concern shown by his many admirers.


Range anxiety in PNW 
