The IDF has a special Sperm Retrieval Unit to collect the seed of fallen IDF soldiers💀💀💀
— PotatoButtlug (@PotatoButtplug) November 14, 2023
tried to get back into watching the criterion collection. went with a rewatch of matchstick men which is in the november conmen collection. remember thinking the girl that played cages daughter was cute. then was a little creeped out that the character was 14 but i looked and the actress, alison lohman was 24 and now im creeped out by that age differential instead.
as it is i got weighed down by my carby dinner and couldnt make it very far. havent looked at ridley scotts entire body of work but seems like an odd turn for him from his more epic endeavors. interesting to note he did not direct a movie til age 40, the duellist, set in the napoleonic wars. his next movie at age 85, napoleon, set to come out any day now. with that kind of symmetry he ought to call it a day. alas he already has gladiator 2 on the agenda for 2024 which seems like kind of a joke but aint.
from killers of the flower moon to the killer today. scorcese to fincher. out now on netflix. made me think of the hit which i watched over the summer. another knight errant. just went back to look at the article i linked to about that and it itself was inspired by hemingways the killers.
did i like this movie, yes? was it a great movie? probably not. some suggest its a satire of the omnipresent revenge porn assassin movies like john wick or even a self mocking of a fight club ethos that has come to be fetishized by a certain cringe element of the proud boy type christofascists among us. theres not a lot to point to politics in this tho. and the comedy may be derived from the over indulgent self certain voice-over that is undermined by the actions of the protagonist. maybe its a bit of both or maybe its just a more realistic portrayal of revenge not set in some video game killzone thats more about the coreography of endless action sequences. still we dont get much of the inner working of the clock only that its a few seconds off.
i dont really know. im just a watcher. maybe its about the myths we keep telling ourselves to build ourselves up to keep moving forward and how we deal with the consequences when theres a glitch in the matrix. in this case the facade held together and few consequences were paid which maybe felt cheap though in keeping with the genre. at least john wicks dog was killed for his sins.
ooh, and the smiths. love letter or hate mail? the answer may surprise you!
There was a big migrating flock or part of a flock of Robins up in the trees around here at sunset today.
Ruscha now then
feminism keeps racking up the big wins.
@nytimes: For the second year in a row, new mothers will be starting the New York City Marathon with lactation tents along the course. Inside the tents, runners will have access to private spaces and hand pumps.
its a gas, gas, gas
Ira Cohen photographer who used Mylar
went to see killers of the flower moon yesterday afternoon since i had to be in midtown and am now aware of the amcs early discount price. i caught only the slighest whiff of opinions about it going in but it was enough in retrospect to realize the irony, intentional or not, that a story about native americans being systemically abused by white americans focused the preponderance of attention on dicaprio and deniro. guess scorcese cant quit gangsters though he seems to have moved past portrayals of them as homicidal lovable rogues.
RM Fisher, Pittsburgh Pa
Heinz Emigholz
i know you are all still eating oreos while celebrating hispanic heritage month but couldnt look past this latest amazon food recommendation on my home page.
assuming this is baseball related.
President Joe Biden Tells Netanyahu Gaza City Hospital Strike ‘Done By The Other Team’
upcoming errol morris doc on apple+ about john le carre.
70's car movies from criterion. Just watched gone in 60 seconds.
Bankers guide to art.
this is obviously the corrupt condition art is produced
Brianna Bass
anti-esthetic at 40
-Hal Foster
Suzuki, Cage, Minimalism...