Last Thursdays NYT, Circuts Q and A column answered a request for a spell checker that would cover botanical names.
fans of the film "Heavy Metal parking lot" and the sequil "Neil Diamond Parking Lot" should be thrilled that Anthology Film Archinve is screening Jeff Coulics (sp?) new film "Harry Potter Parking Lot" on Thursday, check tomorrows VV for the time.

Can anyone remember (and post here) George Carlin's 7 forbidden words ? It could increase our hits !
We've had a few laughs around here lately due to search requests that generate hits on our pages (I say 'our' but I really mean 'Bill'.) Anyway, I didn't know (until yesterday) that there is a whole site dedicated to such disturbing search requests (not for the people offended by other peoples search for offensive material.)
i,m sure there are many books on cab drivers, but for an upcoming volume i have a few stories, i love talking to drivers and have had some great conversations inc some where the driver pulls over and we just talk for a while (yes meter off). One wacky ride about 3 years ago was when i got into a car parked @ 7th near 55th, the driver looked a little tired but as he nodded out at every light it was obvious he was stoned on herion, when each light changed i say "i think its time to go now" slow motion action began that was like a turtle in a comic book race, all was fun till he started to go the wrong way down streets in the west village--has anyone been in the one when the driver is a minister and the cab his ministry??--here's why i am leaving this long message because i met The Human Computer as a drove me home tonight and he can in fact tell you the day of the year you were born...
The really important sports news
20 years ago today.
Hey Mike, I found the wine glasses for everyone else to use on NYE.
is this the recalled one??
One of daves (df) post/links a couple of weeks ago put a name to those "small pieces of torn up used plastic baggies". Any one recall what that name was ?
"Open the pod bay doors Hal."
opens tomorrow (Thursday, 12/7, 5:30-7:30) at Feature gallery (530 W 25th St), and features eight artists, including Lisa Beck and David Shaw, who are familiar to some readers of this page. Feature has long been one of the more interesting local galleries. Proprietor Hudson has supported a wide range of artists and aesthetics, creating a community vibe, rather than a hierarchic stable. Eco-friendly techno-spiritual quasi-psychedelic minimalist revisionism, and that sort of thing, if you know what I mean. If not, you'll just have to check it out.
lucky i still have both arm's but my brain feels like those tests where they took a salamander's brains out blended them re-insirted than stiched up (yes they looked like they lived normal lives...)--any one want this experience go see "requiem for a dream"--great movie
rachael were U at the U2 show at urving plaza--i was at a live broadcast--sounded like an awesome show
hey jim (or anyone) werent you going to have a dental referral for me way back when......reaching critical mastication.
Top 10 Simpsons moments of all time. And don't miss this low quality (but fast loading) .wav audio file of the Mr. Burns classic "See My Vest."
we prob post more about 71 Clinton Fresh Foods than any other restaurant but let me give my 2 cents about last nights dinner--a new mustard gnocchi/chanterelle/nantucket bay scallops app rocked and the new snapper presentation is a triple wow
easyEverything, the internet center we used in Amsterdam, is now opening a branch in Times Square. The internet café idea hasn't taken off here, maybe because people have their own machines, but the 600 terminal operation in Amsterdam had plenty of business, and perhaps the tourists will fill up the NY branch. You might think they'd have a better web site, though.
Extended east village family member Samoa (former guitar player and founding member of rock band KAREN BLACK) has launched his web site RAINBOWPIG. It is designed to give voice to the people and features his film "Untill The day I Die".

Also Kembra will be showing her new movie and performing live. Sunday, December 17th. 8pm @Anthology Film Archives 32 2nd Avenue, New York City.

Have a nice holidays.

Political line of the day comes from major leaguer Adam Clymer, or so says the NY Post, where the election coverage has now moved to the gossip pages. Clymer denies saying it, giving credit to Gail Collins: "Gore speaks to America as if English is its second language; George W. speaks as if English is his second language."
Dear Ms. Rachael,

After having reviewed your resume we are pleased to inform you that you are exactly the kind of person we are looking for. You are hired! More than one post every three months would be appreciated, but we understand that people have to work at their own pace. We're sure you'll do your best.

digital media tree management
I'm hoping that by linking to this site I might prompt another trip to some interesting far flung spot on the globe courtesy of Wheel Ventrues Ltd. How about this one? (from memepool)
I have to say a couple of things. First, outstanding arboretum fall pics, and second, I found a cache or two of roaches, those that crawl, and had to get mean with the pesticide, which has killed a bunch but also dispersed that many more, and I find it no coincidence that my once roach free work area is now under siege, yesterday coming back from the bathroom I caught one crawling across the top of my beer can, and just now, what was that?, a shadow, or another bug, dammit, I have to pour out another perfectly good budweiser. I'm thankful there's another one in the fridge.
Bon voyage traveling treepeople, see all there is. Send pictures, smells, temps, impressions, doubts, vague premonitions, wind, rain, truths and falsehoods too. Those of us remaining in North America are going to wreak havoc while you are gone, or do nothing at all.
Now this is what I'm talking about. Good stuff. (also from cardhouse)
I thought I was the only one with that idea. (from cardhouse)
My friend Tom M. has just seen the new Charlies Angles movie and is boosting this following notion of a cross media meme plant. He says in the movie there is one of those gags involving a character named Chad. The name functions as a gag line somewhere in the script, i.e. : you walk out of the theater going, Chad ha ha ha. He posits the possibility of the studio goosing the press to use the chad political buzz word to secure it via comet-tailing in the greater overall buzz vernacular to benefit the film. Did this stick out at all ? Jim, you notice ?

-"Dead horses flogged here"