far and away my favorite katherine hepburn movie. i dont think i could say i had a favorite buddy hackett film but if i had to choose one......
eat an impeach

get the shirt ugly americans
heard on the radio ... Bill hit N.O., some flooding in the French Quarter, at least one tornado. Also, the Stone Pony on the Jersey Shore may go the way of the Armadillo in Austin. And while I'm at itf, from the "Keep Santa Cruz Wierd" front, overheard on Pacific Garden Mall this weekend: three men having a serious and intense political discussion, while one was in full clown regalia.
The public business of this office is now concluded.
There is a tropical storm named Bill forming in the Gulf of Mexico. Go Bill go. Be a hurricane.
Sadly I missed many Neil Young shows when I seasoned on the West Coast, I was too Dead......Last nite show was great, Crazy Horse rocks, the new album/play part took some getting used to but it kicked in bigtime....5th show, Lucinda yahoo!!
{{{OOPS thats 6}}}
#1 1989 Garden w/ Sonic Youth (12th row)
#2 1989 Meadowlands w/ Sonic Youth (Back floor)
#3 1997 PNC Bank Center NJ (Front row)
#4 1998 Bridge XII Shorline (24th row)
#5 1999 Theatre at Garden Solo (seat showed me I need glasses)
#6 2003 Garden w/ Lucinda Williams (8th row)
great pre-Lucinda/Neil show meal at Annisa was fantastic...2*
Well meal #9 at WD50 with a fun group, love that food....July brings phase one of my diet, I am only doing one bizz meal a week, my doctor said my blood is great, prostate great, liver i dont know how great, but the cholesteral needs some work.....i think i will go to Locanda forst time in a while, need another Kai meal bad, shit the list of the places to try is insane long, need to retaste Atalier (sp?), Tasting Room again with wife-e etc.....October is major diet time, but i need many meals at French Laundry NY also too....hum
Chimes Of Freedom
Flame Warriors
saw some weird icon in my system tray so i clicked on it. turns out it was the usual temperature reading from central park that had changed colors from its normal easy to read blue to a hazy red. but the reason it had flipped was the reading itself -- 100 degrees. if only it would rain a little....
Wright's cartoon on Op-Ed page of 6/22/03 Times Picayune--shows four panels with a simple picture of a rock drawn in each one. The four panels read:
1. This rock doesn't believe weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq.
2. Or that Iraq actually used such weapons.
3. Or that Iraqis were among the 9/11 hijackers.
4. Which, according to polls, makes it smarter than most Americans.

And conservative columnist George Will chimes in with this (from his recent column entitled The Search For Credibility)--

"Some say the war was justified even if WMDs are not found nor their destruction explained, because the world is 'better off' without Saddam. Of course it is better off. But unless one is prepared to postulate a U.S. right, perhaps even a duty, to militarily dismantle any tyranny--on to Burma?--it is unacceptable to argue that Saddam's mass graves and torture chambers suffice as retrospective justification for pre-emptive war." He ends with this--"Until WMDs are found, or their absence accounted for, there is urgent explaining to be done."

There is nothing new about this sentiment but that it comes from the mouth of George Will I think is an important turning point.
As I mentioned on my page, I found my old blogger username and password while going through some papers today. I signed in, and everything is still there. Here's the first post to this page (although I think this was the front page of the site at that point.)
[10/21/1999 5:32:09 PM | jim b]
Hello there. This is a beta version of the main page at digitalmediatree.com. I'm not at all sure what is going to happen here. My log, which is pretty much the same as what use to be here, is now inside (the link is on left.) This section can be updated by multiple users through the incredible blogger.com. But if you're seeing this you already know about that. Oh well. It's an interesting idea, although I don't know if it could work. memepool seems to run on a similar sturcture (although I don't think they use blogger.) Anyway, like I said, I have no idea what this should be, but it seems cool to be able to do it, so I'm trying to. Seen anything interesting lately?
The Minnow special tasting menu rate's 2*
Cafe Boulud was great, a tasty spring influenced lunch, not stuffy, wine list had some juice, high end cash wise but worth it, a little too much foam:>)....3*
Quick notes:

Funky Broome: too funky for me, ok in a pinch...
wd~50: another amazing meal, I like eating here at 6:00, the soup sing's, the new chicken dish is OTFCharts!!
Tasting Room: my first mreal there, nice stuff, will go back, 2*

grimey at 50
Did everyone see the article in the times about Rivington street?
Eating By #'s Top 5
Grand Sichuan Int Midtown 9 Times
wd~50 9 Times
66 5 Times
Wash Park 5 Times
The Minnow 5 Times
Steve, she also did Crumb.....
mmm, dumplings
Time passes; there are things that are timeless and will repeat over and over again. The Birches lawn was always perfect. Laura always met Dan at the driveway Claire got a Camaro Gene was a son of a bitch Penny smoked too much The kids did not know what was going on. There's a mouse in my living room
Doc report soon.......liver, prostate, colersteral (sp)........