if theyre going to call it moynihan station, i might be just as happy if it doesnt happen.
anybody see City of God?

if not, do.
So, how bad is the O'Reilly thing?
"Better Than Ever"
In an otherwise dry investment research report, someone cracks wise. Emphasis added.
With HDTV – where an upgrade to an HD signal would be required even if one were to remain with their existing service provider – the significance of that trigger is only amplified. Once a consumer decides to make the substantial investment in a new HD television set, they become acutely conscious of what they can display on it. (And highly aware that if they tell their wife they spent thousands on an HDTV set without having HD programming, they’ll be exposed as an idiot). It seems reasonable to expect that consumers will be disproportionately willing to switch providers to get best High Definition service for their new High Definition set.
no homing pigeons without roads?
impulse purchase - john schlesingers Darling.
nyc photoblog
move over old skull / LI'L GN'R
Jimmy Carter weblog.
Mark's House of Pies

Ripe opens Clarklewis.
is that 99000 unique users?
"It should be clear to all by now that what we have in the Bush team is a faith-based administration. It launched a faith-based war in Iraq, on the basis of faith-based intelligence, with a faith-based plan for Iraqi reconstruction, supported by faith-based tax cuts to generate faith-based revenues. This group believes that what matters in politics and economics are conviction and will — not facts, social science or history.

Personally, I don't believe the Bush team will pay a long-term political price for its faith-based intelligence about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Too many Americans, including me, believe in their guts that removing Saddam was the right thing to do, even if the W.M.D. intel was wrong."

I agree with Friedman's point here. That is, that the supporting intelegence wasnt there and we (too many Americans including Friedman) dont fucking care. The challenge is to get across why we and he should care.
This Superbowl is really frustrating. I know I’m supposed to watch the commercials, but I keep ignoring them anyway.
southern cookin
Cinephiles Sustenance synergy: Eat This New York.
sadly i have TO-GO

lunch at lupa deserves many yum yums, long live lupa!!
dinner tonight at the all new new 71 CFF impressed deluxe, it continue to grow, long live 71CFF

GOOD nite
BBC's Andrew Gilligan goes out fighting : Statement

'No one at the BBC has deliberately misled the public' - Gavin Davies

London - The judge [Hutton] who probed the suicide of arms expert David Kelly was accused of a "whitewash" by much of Britain's daily press Thursday for clearing Prime Minister Tony Blair's government of wrongdoing while rebuking the BBC.
latest debate notes....right this way...
April Surprise?
lockhart and friends are helping to enable my unnui. if only he could rally support for the long lost kozmo.com. (i couldnt even remember the name. i had to google it.)
thought this was humorous -- airbrush tanning systems