a&es show Spying On Me has people get in disguises to spy on those who have wronged them in an effort to get at "the truth." sort of a punk'd meets im not sure exactly what. anyone?
have you seen this: http://thepour.blogs.nytimes.com/
anyone else watching big love?
Good news from the mailbag:
I have found your website digitalmediatree.com by searching Google for "woman breaking dishes machine embroidery design". I think our websites has a similar theme, so I have already added your link to my website.
It's about time someone took note of our dominance in the "women breaking dishes machine embroidery design" space.
Finally watched that juggling video everyone had linked. I guess I see why.
dodgeball on hbo now
primetime glick on comedy channel now
glick on comedy channel now
scarface or caddy shack - ive never seen scarface. going with that
found 70s headshots
my block on mtv now
proactive arrests
I've graduated from sending email to elected officials to using the phone. According to the nice young man who answered the phone, Senator Feinstein's position is that Feingold's censure resolution is premature. She wants to work through the Senate Intelligence Committee to gather more information. Good luck with that, Di.

I also pointed out that a plurality of Americans support censure. I was told that they've been getting a lot of calls on that. A familiar phrase comes to mind, "lead, follow, or get the fuck out of the way".
maybe its me but nearly $30 for 2 pounds of potato chips seems a little steep.
al franken on colbert is like space ghost on space ghost. ehhhhhhhhhh
Compendium of Idiocy
any dr who fans out there? not for me, but...
incompetent lying idiot
trader joes on 14th st opens on friday. someones got a trader joes blog.
3 stooges showing up on spike tv fairly regularly
"My concern is why the nation's media were so gullible. Did they really think it was all going to be so easy, a "cakewalk," a superpower invading a Third World country? Why did the Washington press corps forgo its traditional skepticism? Why did reporters become cheerleaders for a deceptive Administration? Could it be that no one wanted to stand alone outside Washington's pack journalism?"