Microsoft's Zune Won't Play Protected Windows Media

In yesterday's announcement of the new Zune media player and Zune Marketplace, Microsoft (and many press reports) glossed over a remarkable misfeature that should demonstrate once and for all how DRM and the DMCA harm legitimate customers.
the food section
seemed like there were tents popping up in every open space in town. they were setting up for this benefit in union square.
9/11 WTC footage from really close up. This is the tape that was just released.
charlie brown
Leaders weirdly silent on sweeping broadcast treaty

If the programs are stolen — for example, the signals retransmitted by another party without permission, sold as an unauthorized DVD or performed publicly without the requisite license — the copyright owner may assert their rights, but in some countries the broadcasters are left with limited ability to protect their interests.

What started as an attempt to address this relatively narrow issue has since mushroomed into a massive treaty that would grant broadcasters in some countries many new rights. These include an exclusive right of retransmission for over-the-air television signals (retransmission involves capturing a broadcast signal and rebroadcasting it without permission of the copyright holder or the original broadcaster) and more than doubling the term of protection for broadcasts to 50 years from the current 20-year term. Moreover, exceptions and limitations to these rights, a hallmark of a balanced policy approach, would be optional for countries that adopt the treaty.
Apple expected to launch movie downloads
Sleek gadget maker may also unveil new iPods
Motorola and Nokia DVB-Hugging

The world's two largest mobile manufacturers have agreed to collaborate on mobile TV.

Motorola and Nokia announced today they will be working together to promote DVB-H, one standard used for broadcast mobile TV, with a view to interoperability between all their relevant kit and services.

The pair have also thrown their collective weight behind DVB-IPDC standardisation efforts.
Video of everything you can get "on-a-stick" at the Minnesota State Fair. (via kottke)
Printing food at Chicago's Moto:
Perhaps Cantu's greatest innovation at Moto is a modified Canon i560 inkjet printer (which he calls the "food replicator" in homage to Star Trek) that prints flavoured images onto edible paper. The print cartridges are filled with food-based "inks", including juiced carrots, tomatoes and purple potatoes, and the paper tray contains sheets of soybean and potato starch. The printouts are flavoured by dipping them in a powder of dehydrated soy sauce, squash, sugar, vegetables or sour cream, and then they are frozen, baked or fried.

The most common printed dish at Moto is the menu. It can literally whet your appetite by providing a taste test of what's on the menu: tear off and eat a picture of a cow and it will taste like filet mignon. Once you are done with your sampling, the menu can be torn up and thrown into a bowl of soup - but only once you've ordered your two-dimensional sushi which consists of photos of maki rolls sprinkled on the back with soy and seaweed flavouring.
katie couric about to do her first turn on 60 minutes. 911 air quality story.
Great tomatoes.
wikis lamest wars. check out the missionary position debate. teddy or no teddy?
the msm are just so loathesome as a class. digby looks at case #1 as the best minds in the ny times washington office look for ways to smear clinton goo on ned lamonts prep school tie. they must really loves them that bought and paid for pro-empire jew. i wont even mention that chris matthews slimebag. think hed ever say (say, not think) of a candidate -- "too jewy?"

and then this snide look at 911 conspiracies in the washinton pust. no need to waste any time investigating the claims, lets just insinuate that theyre crackpots, and elide the possible with the far-fetched to discredit the lot. i particularly enjoyed the effort to suggest that 50% of new yorkers are addle-brained conspiracists. im sure thats what most washingtonians would like to believe anyway.

It is easy to think our "leaders" are just incompetent, but I still believe creating chaos in the Middle East is the plan. And things are going according to that plan. The chaos will keep us there long enough to get sucked into the next war and the next and the next.
Months before the United States invaded Iraq in 2003, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld forbade military strategists from developing plans for securing a post-war Iraq, the retiring commander of the Army Transportation Corps said Thursday.

In fact, said Brig. Gen. Mark Scheid, Rumsfeld said "he would fire the next person" who talked about the need for a post-war plan.
wtc outline
orcinus on the organization behind the 911 fakeumentary

mydd on disneys motives
WASHINGTON (AP) -- There's no evidence Saddam Hussein had a relationship with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and his Al-Qaida associates, according to a Senate report on prewar intelligence on Iraq. Democrats said the report undercuts President Bush's justification for going to war.

The declassified document being released Friday by the Senate Intelligence Committee also explores the role that inaccurate information supplied by the anti-Saddam exile group the Iraqi National Congress had in the march to war.

The report comes at a time that Bush is emphasizing the need to prevail in Iraq to win the war on terrorism while Democrats are seeking to make that policy an issue in the midterm elections.

It discloses for the first time an October 2005 CIA assessment that prior to the war Saddam's government ''did not have a relationship, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi and his associates,'' according to excerpts of the 400-page report provided by Democrats.

Bush and other administration officials have said that the presence of Zarqawi in Iraq before the war was evidence of a connection between Saddam's government and al-Qaida. Zarqawi was killed by a U.S. airstrike in June this year.

White House press secretary Tony Snow played down the report as ''nothing new.''
whats allowed on planes. not sure why the ky jelly is on the list. emergency enemas? snakes?
empire eclipsed over strategic ellipse.
couric lowers news porn bar right out of the gate
frontal asalt