The art would then stay up only for a few days before the contractors moved in with drywall to cover up the interior works and pressure hoses to erase those on the outside. There would be no sponsors, no press releases, no payments to the artist and no artwork for sale. As much as it is still possible in today’s art world, it would be art for art’s sake, a fleeting salute to a fleeting form.

Now, after nearly two months of work by 45 artists, the show is almost ready. The building’s doors will be unlocked tomorrow for an open house that will continue through Sunday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. On Monday work will begin that will eventually seal most of the interior artwork behind pipes, wires and drywall.
RIP Peter Boyle -- D and I watched "Young Frankenstein" Sunday on the flight back from Fla. The "Putting on the Ritz" bit is a classic.
I'm looking forward to a trip on Portland's new OHSU Aerial Tram, I just don't want to be the first - or last - person to ride it.
from shtetl to swing : jewish music on 13 now
Are you ready to change your life through the power of eBay? Well then
you're in luck.

The AC Dickson: eBay PowerSeller Seminar is coming to New York City.
It plays December 12-14th at 7pm at the EFA gallery 323 West 39th St,
2nd floor.

Tickets are $10 and are available on eBay.

Using PowerPoint, rock anthems, and audience interaction, Andrew "AC"
Dickson and Susan Beal are out to convince you that eBay selling is
personally lucrative, good for this country, and ultimately a
meaningful step towards world peace and a better tomorrow. A
performance art piece that also works as a comedic anti-corporate
corporate seminar, AC Dickson: eBay PowerSeller is absolutely the best
hour-long eBay education around, as well as “a very astute, highly
entertaining treatise on capitalism, market forces, and the American
dream that carries wry hints of send-up and satire.” –– The Glasgow

I've seen the show and recommend.
Al Qaeda is what, I asked, Sunni or Shia?

“Al Qaeda, they have both,” [incoming Democratic chairman of the House Intelligence Committee] Reyes said. “You’re talking about predominately?”

“Sure,” I said, not knowing what else to say.

“Predominantly — probably Shiite,” he ventured.

As the article points out, this man makes $165,200. Nice work if you can get it. Has he purposefully tried to not read anything on the subject of Al Qaeda? How is it even possible not to know this?
the miami thing
Debka, a right-ish Israeli military news source not very well respected, claims that Gates listed Israel as a nuclear power in his testimony before congress. That seems like maybe a big deal. Everyone supposes that Israel has nukes, but as far as I know no major US administration officials have ever confirmed this. Am I wrong? Certainly Israel has a policy of not admitting (or denying) this. Was it just a slip of the tongue, or is this a first step to maybe getting at the heart of the matter in the MidEast? (I can dream, can't I?)
Descriptions and explanations of magic tricks.
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Alexander Karsner today announced that with DOE funding, a concentrator solar cell produced by Boeing-Spectrolab has recently achieved a world-record conversion efficiency of 40.7 percent, establishing a new milestone in sunlight-to-electricity performance. This breakthrough may lead to systems with an installation cost of only $3 per watt, producing electricity at a cost of 8-10 cents per kilowatt/hour, making solar electricity a more cost-competitive and integral part of our nation’s energy mix.
Here's the +5 slashdot comments.
great audrey hepburn paris boho dance scene from funny face commencing on tcm followed by a stanley donen interview and then charade with cary grant and hepburn.
This is a documentary premiering in New Orleans tomorrow and features three of M's "kids" on Dumaine, Jonathan, Joshua, and Mario. In the clip there is also a brief cameo of Fermin, sitting on steps with longish hair and white t-shirt. Produced, written, directed and edited by M's friend and former employer, Dr. Vince Morelli, who was very active on Dumaine after I left and opening first scene of Jonathan in clip is shot in front of, but looking across the street, from Dumaine house. Mario, I may have mentioned a couple of years ago, was shot five times while sitting on his stoop around the corner, and survived.
Food notes from NOLA:

Burton, who has since left the D.I.A., is not alone in his concern. Indeed, throughout the intelligence community, spies are beginning to wonder why their technology has fallen so far behind — and talk among themselves about how to catch up. Some of the country’s most senior intelligence thinkers have joined the discussion, and surprisingly, many of them believe the answer may lie in the interactive tools the world’s teenagers are using to pass around YouTube videos and bicker online about their favorite bands. Billions of dollars’ worth of ultrasecret data networks couldn’t help spies piece together the clues to the worst terrorist plot ever. So perhaps, they argue, it’ s time to try something radically different. Could blogs and wikis prevent the next 9/11?

and more from the blather board.
New on der corner.
nice view, but what if you have to pee?
tcm has a woody this afternoon with a clever segue from a peter sellers morning with whats new, pussycat?
one of the few nice things to come out of the war is the association between tom friedman and f.u. (as in fuck you).
Crazy Morphosis skyscraper going up in Paris. I really liked that there weren't any really tall buildings. I thought it made the city seem very manageable considering it's size. I guess everything has to change though.
hendricks farms & dairy

im out in bucks co again for a couple of days. any one want anything from here?
weird, funny random photo
9 to 5 paintings creates images from the movement of your mouse during the day.
YouTube takes videos to mobile phones
I got a recommendation to eat at Bayona in NOLA.

Any other recommendations? (I will be travelling with D, a lacto-ovo-vegetarian who refuses to believe that the lower mollusks are hard to distinguish from plants.)