The kitchen in Ms. Pettijohn’s new loft, in a converted cotton warehouse overlooking New York Harbor, will see plenty of food preparation, but very little cooking. Her meals — hijiki salad, barely steamed haricots verts, lots of smoothies — are constructed (or deconstructed in a blender) rather than sautéed, boiled or braised. Although the developer of this property added typical flourishes, including a set of G.E. Monogram stainless steel appliances, a kitchen island and lots of cabinet space, Ms. Pettijohn will be using little of it. She relies on knives, a blender and an array of pots for brief steaming. “My last oven I used for storage,” she said, “but I don’t need any more storage here. The microwave, well, it’s good for warming up heating pads.”
June 13, 2007 -- TOM Wolfe described himself as "surprised" and "curious" yesterday when he learned Gus Van Sant will direct a movie version of his classic 1967 book, "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test," which chronicled a cross-country bus trip by Ken Kesey (who wrote "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"), Neal Cassady (who inspired Jack Kerouac's "On the Road") and other LSD-fueled Merry Pranksters. Wolfe told Page Six he sold the option for the book in the early '70s for just $75,000. "I'm really interested to see what they do," he said. "The biggest problem will be the LSD trips that can be done so much better in print than on film."
Marlow and Sons in Williamsburg is fantastic rite now.....well worth the trip!!......and you can DRINK WELL!!
Wintel become Macwintel?
astro boy
"Lieberman Lying about Iraq on Face The Nation"
Supposedly Time Warner Cable (RoadRunner) starts traffic shaping (at some times of day, in some markets, etc....) This is their response to the issue of a very small percentage of users who constantly utilize all their bandwidth (so, almost always BitTorrent clients or Newsgroup readers.) Those users (for those applications) will see their bandwidth being throttled. Attempts to get around this (by, say, running your BitTorrent client on a non-standard port, or encrypting the traffic) will be seen as a violation of the TOS.
some great tennis at the mens french open finals right now. #1 federer has split the first two sets with two time defending french open winner #2 nadal. if federer wins he will have won the last four grand slams.
first apple
Pondering the line between delicious and medicinal reminded me that some years ago a very peppery oil had inspired a brilliant biomedical hunch. That’s why I made a note to call Dr. Gary Beauchamp, the director of the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia: to get an update on the chemistry of the olive oil cough.

At the 1999 international workshop on molecular and physical gastronomy, in the mist-shrouded mountain town of Erice, Sicily, the physicists Ugo and Beatrice Palma brought along oil freshly pressed from their own trees. Dr. Beauchamp tasted the oil and felt his throat burn, as did I and all the other attendees. But he was the only one who immediately thought of ibuprofen.
When in Nashville do not miss Arnold
External I/O Ports

I'm doing some backups using external disks -- bare SATA II drives stuffed into USB external disk cases. One of the cases has eSATA support at SATA II speeds: 3 Gbps. At work, where I'm doing the backups, I have to live with USB 2.0 speeds -- 480 Mbps -- but at home I have a machine with an eSATA port on the back panel.

It just kind of struck me this evening ... 3 Gbps. Sweet. Screw USB. Screw Firewire. And Firewire 800 can go pound sand. 1.5 Gbps eSATA? I don't think so.

Three. Motherfucking. Gig.

How long until everything supports that data rate?
Ron Paul Hates You
if you have a good computer, go to --- full seasons of TV shows
compiled for you tube-like viewing.

My faves are UK shows Peep Show, and Garth Merenghi's Darkplace is a spoof
of UK sci-fi 70s shows with doctors in a supernatural hospital, it's
really hilarious...
via BT
Fussy Boy Breakfast Courses June 5, 2003
1) Grapes....must be left on the vine to pluck
2) Cantalope.....must be 1/2 inch slices to eat with hands
3) Peach.....not one speck of skin (and I mean speck), cut in pieces with a "big boy fork"
4) Grapefruit....must to removed from pods, and again not one speck of "that white stuff" showing, eats with hands
5) Strawberrys.....cut in pieces w/ toothpicks to eat
Love my boy!!
New AACS "fix" hacked in a day
In what's shaping up as an electronics industry trial of the century_between two incompatible, high-definition video-disc formats_the holdout juror is Ken Graffeo, Universal Home Video executive vice president of HD strategic marketing. And he may very well upset the whole case.
Coney Island RIP?
Vintage Fantastic Four cartoon marathon on Boom now.
radical chic