splurged on a shave and a haircut today. wish the haircut was a little more even which is why i splurged to begin with instead of going to the much cheaper place on st. marks. but i really like the place as barbershops go. and they do a fair amount of business so im not alone in thinking that. also, apparently there is no such thing as a trim. barbers only know "cut." get a pair of scissors in their hands and theres no stopping them.
abel gance fest
the naked city was on tcm again. ever notice how much LES is in there including rivington st?
Peyote to LSD: A Psychedelic Odyssey on the history channel now. reairing at 2am.
washington generals
fire up those tivos, cineastes.

masaki kobayasi's samurai rebellion ovation tonight 8pm

marcel carne's children of paradise ifc sunday 935am

jules dassin's topkapi tcm sunday 935pm

carl theodor dreyer's michael tcm sunday midnight
stepford wives (from '75) just started on tcm. awful seventies score thusfar.
admittedly it doesnt really have much impact on my life but its still lame.
"raptor cam" video of 3 red tail hawks that hatched in a nest on a PDX office building
Worldwide 'Love' Vibe Detected. Skinny was right all along.
did hell just warm over?

We haz ur kitteh.
mama obama on colbert

another timely tome from kevin phillips.
saxelby cheesemonger blog (essex st market)
Just in case: How to butcherachicken.blogspot.com. I had to use a few of these steps recently (just getting the neck off really.) All 11 steps linked in the right hand column. Great guide.
oldest tree?

hes dead, jim!

the xxx extremely hot! warning on the label is no joke. i guess it's good if you like your mouth to burn. i add a tiny amount of this stuff to a (mild) salsa i really like and it's still fiery.
Flickr is now allowing for videos to be uploaded, but the max length can only be 90 seconds and they are calling them "long photos". Here's some thoughts on the form that might possibly be of interest to you animated gifers. Are short loops more like photos than video?
colbert on larry king tonight.
i saw a beautiful table made from reclaimed bowling lanes at the brooklyn flea market this weekend.
Alzheimer hope?
But five minutes after being injected with etanercept – according to the film which was supplied and edited by the clinic – he greets his wife. Visibly shocked, she says he has not recognised her for years. Mr Miller then hugs her.
"On the surface these results are exciting but we need to treat the study with caution," she [Suzanne Sorenson, head of research at the Alzheimer's Society] said. "There are large gaps in the research, which used a small pilot group. We cannot draw conclusions until a controlled trial is carried out."
how to grow tomatoes. scroll down for growing in pots, city people. i am going to try it out this year along with strawberries and basil.