Osprey fishing.
night for the lo-fi cineastes, tcms tribute to
morris engel. not their usual fare.
second half of liverpool v chelsea just underway on espn2 in uefa champions league quarterfinals match.
obama to smears lambs blood over whitehouse doorways.
The blue-tooth in my cell phone died. The headphone jack died a while ago. So I can't legally use it while driving. I'm a flip phone advocate, which narrows the options. I can't get Blackberry's new flip phone unless I move to Canada. Further, at the house I get only two carriers, so I only get to choose from phones they support. I'm seriously considering one of
leslie howard night on tcm. saw
petrified forest recently (8pm). great cast bogart and bette davis. then intermezzo with ingrid bergman and finally pygmalion. going with pygmalion if i can hack it. still felled by oh hell debacle and liver failure.
not a
good world any longer.
Open source machine tools:

For all those who have doubted the existence of the Snipe…
whats your general impression of this
only caught that last few intense moments of
visages d'enfants but i liked what i saw.
Fleur de Lys SF: yum, serious yum, for both carnivores and vegetarians.
albert brooks
real life on tcm @8. followed by best in show and spinal tap aka mockumentary night. was actually underwhelmed by brooks modern romance when i saw it recently. havent seen this one afaik.
can anyone recommend a juicer?
ana marie cox continues to claw her way to the top of the tower of babelsphere. here shes filling in on air america radio.
Louie CK in Baghdad Scroll way down past all the pictures (except the last) to see his description of the comedy routine and aftermath. Awesome.
Time Warner moves forward with tiered bandwidth pricing. I actually don't mind paying by the bit if they would charge anywhere close to market bandwidth prices. But $1 per GB when you go over your (very limited) cap? Are they serious? And the cap on the biggest tier is 40 GB per month?
Of course, if there is no price collusion, this means that the telecos should be able to wipe them out of the game with DSL. But we'll see how that works. Depending on AT&T to save us seems like a risky bet.
Long and technical, but I think this gets at the heart of it:
AIG: before CDS there was Reinsurance. Shorter version: AIG wasn't mismanaged, and they didn't merely "assume too much risk"; AIG was a criminal enterprise.
I am so mad about all of this. I actually feel more helpless now then in the run up to the Iraq war. At least war is something people can sort of understand. Credit default swaps are not going to be groked by the general public. The Obama administration is obviously in the pocket of the financial sector (could it be otherwise?) And nothing is going to be done about the largest theft in the history of the world. The measly two trillion or so we wasted in Iraq is nothing compared to this.
paging Jim B: the future is