shit my dad says
what's your type?
trunk show
Guiding Principles - Michael Pollan shares some of his rules for eating wisely in the New Year.
shit. just noticed this longshot candidate for dodds senate seat was a friend of mine for a couple of years at college.
RIP Kenneth Noland.

"When he was good, he was excellent" - are obits really the place for critics to get in their final digs? (Roberta Smith on Noland)

"Perhaps to his detriment, Mr. Noland was ardently loyal to his formalist principles" (another unelaborated Smith stab)

preliminary obit (presumably full libeling of the deceased to follow)

(edited to be less partisan-seeming--I think it is possible to like Noland without subscribing to any "formalist principles"--in fact I doubt he had them)
Jersey, FTW.
top ten ny 2009 in no order
sadly or not i dont try a lot of new places
Marlow & Sons
Trestle on Tenth
Locanda Vini Olii
Gramercy Tavern
Bar Masa
Great show in Veracruz when we were there "Magia y Hechiceria"

Its all one Italians collection and spans 100's of years , one piece is a mummied mermaid inc the programs when she showed alive in Rome in the mid 1800's.
I'm sure this is conventional wisdom by now, but from a visual perspective Avatar 3D IMAX in 2010 = Star Wars in 1977.

The top three game changers for me were Star Wars, Terminator 2, and Avatar. I can't comment on King Kong, but I've heard that was a biggie too.
Pain Beam being developed by US military-industrial complex. Much consternation ensues. Imagine the following in the Comic Book Guy's voice:
@nikola: First off, it's not our government, but our private sector. This comes from Raytheon, and despite that they're heavily intertwined with our military, they are not (YET) our military.
Second, I would prefer the perception of being set on fire to ACTUALLY being set on fire.
A machine capable of torturing on a massive scale? Somewhere Dick Cheney is smiling.
Chateau Duhart Milon 1985 150 ml for dinner. Interesting older wine.
The Manhattan Bridge, which turns 100 on December 31, flexes under the weight of a subway train in a time-lapse video taken in July of this year.

via Iver
Bucks County Varied Thrush.
Time lapse of the snow storm in Brooklyn
Can I file an amicus brief in the case to block the nude photos of that golfer guy? If that's allowed, soon the intertubes will be clogged with naughty pictures of professional bowlers. O, the humanity.
not only does vit D protect against cold and flu, but now a study concludes that: Vitamin D insufficiency and deficiency was associated with all-cause dementia, Alzheimer disease, stroke (with and without dementia symptoms), and MRI indicators of cerebrovascular disease. These findings suggest a potential vasculoprotective role of vitamin D.

15 year old wisconsin cheddar goes on sale
black dragon tea bar blog

via vz
old clothes needed for a new project by my PDX friend MK Guth, now in a NY neighborhood near you clothes for art