Hi restaurant people - if anyone hears of any available server positions, Joel's been looking for a job for a couple of months. (When we returned from Cape Cod we foolishly thought he could find something better than Falai.) He's had a bunch of 2nd meetings but nothing has materialized. Any leads would be appreciated!
new SANAA building opened last week. Better
pictures here.
"I just felt like I didn't come all the way to Vancouver not to pull out the big guns," White said. "I put down the tricks I've worked so hard on. It was the savvy thing to do. Saucy. Keep it weird. My coach said at the top: Don't do this unless you're going to stomp it."
Diamond is now trying to get permission and funds knock down a wall at the west end of the
tunnel. He thinks there may be a perfectly preserved locomotive from the 1800s behind the wall -- or even the missing pages of Booth's diary that list the conspirators involved in Lincoln's death. Next tour, Feb 28th. Think I'll take Ryley.
Valentine's at WD~50 was another memorable meal. You all know the drill, Wylie rocks, etc.... But here's a recap if you're interested where the menu is at these days. We did the tasting.
Sweet shrimp, sea urchin, black truffle parsnip
Cuttle fish, root beer gelee, watercress
Foie gras 2 ways - as a puck with passionfruit inside, and as an aerated rice krispie treat looking thing that was actually soft like a cloud of foie. I think the 2 way version might have been special for us as the passionfruit puck is on the menu by itself.
Scrambled egg ravioli, charred avacado, fluke (still dreaming about this one.)
Bay scallops, tamarind, grated bone marrow, bulgar, pickled crosgnes (this was subbed for the cold fried chicken we'd had before.)
Langoustine, red pepper, black sesame, shiso (insanely good texture on the langoustine!)
Beef and bernaise, sour dough black vinegar sauce
Lamb loin, black garlic romesco, soybean, pickled garlic chive
...Couple desserts...
One thing I've noticed over the years is that the portions have gotten a little bit bigger. I hit the wall in the final course. Back in the day he always nailed it for me so I would be exactly full but not a bit more. Still not really a complaint though as I don't eat so much and I'm sure he got complaints over the years from larger eaters. And plus, how can you really complain about too much? Just sort of interesting though since his portions always seemed like a brave move.
Great meal at last week Marlow. Epic meal at WD for Valentine's. Will write about them soon. But finally went to the new (-ish) sushi place in the hood tonight and: O. My. God. Sushi UO. 151 Rivington. Chef (what do you say? Sushi master?) was previously at 15 East, and Masa before that. Had several of the best things I've ever eaten. Divine. Highly recommended.
The Wine Trials
Robin Goldstein talks about this year�s best wines under $15. He�s co-author of The Wine Trials 2010, a bestselling guide to inexpensive wines tested by a double-blind panel of wine experts and consumers.
Can't find the droid thread. But got some more info. I haven't tried it, but a colleague recommended
pdanet for tethering (i.e. using the droid as a wireless broadband modem for a computer). Verizon doesn't offer that feature, but this app makes it work.
just saw a movie; trouble the water. It is about Katrina-- amazing! Has anyone else seen it?
So, due to some sort of security breach, our virtually wooden computer cracked into the Momofuko Ko rest. zone and snagged two spots for last night....I was clicking away on their site like a fucking Rhesus monkey to confirm and all, given the stress that ensues when dealing with their system....After I calmed down only then it dawned on me that I had to figure out how the hell I was going to pay for this...Anyway, would have to say was totally worth it...I don't know, maybe I don't get out much, but this was pretty great. Ten or so courses, best maybe first 6- vibrant fresh sushi/crudo items, tiny amazing oyster (dont ask what kind) came first..Then various little tortelliini w/duck in pretty crazy salty broth which worked best w/intense basil leaves,,,def too salty on own, but had it all anyway...great torn pasta w/snail&something sausage and crispy chicken skin, raw fluke w/buttermilk poppyseed combo, now classics (I guess) soft cooked egg w/caviar and tiny chips, sweet ass onions...& the shaved foie thing delivered for sure...then some duck platter...to be continued...

Linda spotted this
Cooper's Hawk riding out the snow storm in a London Plane Tree across the street from us.
Chanterelle puts
their art up for sale to pay off their creditors.
lets do eat here mb/team.... GOLDEN PALACE 140-09 Cherry Avenue (Kissena Boulevard), (718) 886-4383. Spring roll, chicken-mushroom stew, pork and cabbage cake.
From todays times.... http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/10/dining/10chine.html?ref=dining
cougarville could be worse. well crafted funny. falls short in many ways though
fried in
houston (reef) via ree