Windows on ipad / denied
anybody ever see WIHKAWIHSTTTAM?
How do you say pull my finger in japanese?
i guess we moved too soon. alex, start dining at cebu!
My new super lunch - sliced, raw brussels sprouts with lemon, s/p and one can of sardines in olive oil chopped in. Tasty.
please tell me "smorgas board" is a pun.
stealth tree house
inner tree
Wow. I love this story. kidney chain
google's accidental streetview pix

Franco grignani here / goog images here
Stopping off place here

tons of primitive art, dada and creative children's projects and books on said subject. Via mondo bloggo
scale of the universe by 14 year old twins.
quite a life
oregon's beaver mustards
Heart wine glass here
Rothko's Portland here
Deadheads unite here

friendly's grocery here
Brird song radio here
He blew his mind out on a car here

See the video
hearing colors
get the ball, get the ball, get the ball
Phil Lesh's Marin space opens next month, with $300 VIP tickets and I bet there are enough rich dead heads to sell it out mostly.... Not worth it to me, but if regular tickets are available might be worth the $300 airfare to see one on a biz trip....
Amazing photos of Snowy Owl vs Peregrine Falcon encounter.
