havent made my way all the way through yet but.... building the house of breitbart.
Bannon, Bolton and the whole rest of the ghastly crew—Trump wading deep into the swamp, not draining anything but the hope from humanity.
— Philip Gourevitch (@PGourevitch) November 14, 2016
Take a peak outside tomorrow morning at 6:00am (eastern) for the largest (i.e., closest) super moon since 1948. You won't see a comparable one until 2034. (Yeah, okay, 6:00am is just the absolute closest time, but it won't really matter to the naked eye exactly when you see it starting, oh, about now....)
not sure but i think it might be baby having time at my upstairs neighbors apartment in a birthing tub about 10' above my bed. hearing what i imagine to be the occasional yelp along with an unusual amount of scurrying. my only question is what will be delivered first -- the baby or my fresh direct order? only one is guaranteed by noon. your move, baby.
not good.
That's what's really important in a marriage: Trust. pic.twitter.com/QZFvacEX2s
— Billmon (@billmon1) November 8, 2016
hard to wrap your head around glenn beck displaying signs of human decency.
A very good reason to buy Chobani
an agnes martin reader
anyone have a coleslaw recipe they like? this is what ive found so far. from bobby flay and looks pretty run of the mill.
halcyon daze: a renewed crisis of liberalism.
The Herb Lubalin Study Center of Design and Typography is located at 41 Cooper Sq, New York, NY 10003. (212) 353-4021, by appointment only.
Trump modeling himself on Charles Foster Kane?
Very cool origami measuring spoon kickstarter.