Riot Ribs PDX

these cake vids have been making the rounds. 

good morning, sunshine

by all accounts you wont have the washington redskins to kick around much longer. dont know what portends for the braves and indians. a lot of call for renaming them the redtails which sounds a lot like its precursor and ticks off some pc boxes by honoring the tuskeegee airmen. also seeing many cloven hooves up for hogs which is a nickname for the teams offensive line from back in the 80s. already imagining the "hogs slaughtered" headlines. can the redtails be plucked or is that racist? birdist? ableist? everything seems to be ableist on some level. got your favorite stupid dc-related name? swamp rats, filibusters, lobbyist, establishment. my only hope is that the washington monugents get to sing at opening day. and if its at an empty stadium all the better. 

i was able to recognize 45 of 62. this image was tagged because theres only one black person, lou gossett jr. (answer in comments)

new fav covid website

"Strolling across the Brooklyn Bridge is one of the Big Apple’s most popular attractions — but how much cooler would it be if you could visit a wine cellar at either end? Well, the hidden chambers beneath the famous bridge once served that very purpose, as chilled storage units for liquor vendors starting in 1876, several years before the bridge was even road-ready. Their existence was born out of compromise: The Brooklyn Bridge’s construction path crossed over two local businesses on either end, Luyties & Co. and Rackey’s Wine Company. The bridge’s chief engineer, Washington Roebling, came up with the idea to help keep these businesses afloat by renting out the cellars for storage, which also helped offset construction costs for the bridge. During the Prohibition Era, the cellars were used for newspaper storage until 1934, when the “dry era” ended. Today, the cellars are no longer used for their original purpose but are opened for rare historical tours."

1130: enjoys delicious slice of reheated pizza

1131: i will never eat cold pizza again!

1132: burns roof of mouth on a plume of riccota cheese

1133: cold pizza forever!

was sure this had to be the onion.

Only available until Sunday 2:00pm. Very worth it.

mexican g and t

"walking past people loudly enjoying New York’s flourishing sidewalk bar scene combines the preexisting anxiety about missing out on what the cool people are doing with the new anxiety that the cool people are now actively killing us."

The Giant Claw

make a few billion give one away



"Today, I am announcing that the Office of the General Treasurer will remove the words "and Providence Plantations" from the state's checks. We will also remove those words from our letterhead, citations, and other Office correspondence.

the lincoln project is the #nevertrumper republicans without a home superpac. they seem to be putting up the most viral videos with a little bite so far. wouldnt go so far as to call it art but im all for the consistent mockery with such a willing subject.

50 years later, Oregon honors exploding whale with park name.