big story outside our air quality and the media naval gazing over the brief tenured firing of the head of cnn is that messi is coming to america!!!

actually, i dont care but i can imagine turning on an mls game out of curiosity. so win?

he is joing the team owned (in part?) by david beckham, inter miami which of course is a stupid name but there you have it. messi turned down the barrels full of cash being offered by saudi arabia who apparently really want a world cup so are buying up legends and near legends to burnish their image. goodwill ambassadors for bad people, or not great people, but our great friends who we sell a shit ton of war machines to. they also just dropped a ton of cash on the pga yesterday because money. another story i have not dug into and i may never.

anyway. it came down to going back to barcelona, playing for gobs and gobs of money with no one watching (or no one that matters) in saudi arabia or chilling in miami for a few years. apparently #3 eventually won out. i have read very little regarding motivation but other than possibly making his branding partners happy (just guessing) someone suggested that he would be given a deal like beckham in that he could be awarded the rights to a future franchise. maybe he gets a big fat chunk of all the jerseys he is gonna sell. or maybe in two years plus years after the next world cup conveniently in the us he retires from the national team gets that last big paycheck from saudi arabia. that would be my guess unless at 38 he says enough of this shit. ok, maybe one more year for 250 million is more likely.

serious hazing violations

wait for it...


Sad mess 

LDV deluge series

going back to Avenue 5. I had no patience for anything other than the original Startreck but this is pretty funny.

You know, one of the smartest things anyone ever said to me in this business came from Michael Mann, a brilliant writer, a brilliant director. I was hired to do a rewrite on what was already a really good script. It was the early days, and I’m saying to him, “O.K., so what’s the message? Thematically, what are we doing?” All that film-school bullshit. But I honestly wanted to know. I wanted to pick his brain and ask him, “What are we trying to say here?”

He listened very patiently. I forget exactly the words he used—I wish I could quote him verbatim. But essentially what he said was “It’s your job to write an entertaining story. It’s your job to come up with a script that inspires the actors and director. And then, hopefully, this work will be viewed by moviegoers, and they’ll say, ‘Oh, wow, that was interesting. I didn’t see where that was going. I like the twists and turns. I like the characters.’ ” He said, “That’s the job, period. The froufrou thematic stuff is for other people to figure out. The college professors. All you have to do is tell an engaging story.” And he was right.

NyTimes wants bird trackers


"Bianchdudui di Bera is a unique and unrepeatable oxidative white wine. Since the 2000 vintage, an aromatic, savory and mineral Muscat left under the veil for sixteen years in a forgotten tank, a real Piedmontese vin jaune. In a word: harmony, which is not by chance the meaning of the ideogram on the label."

who's in?

Oy Vey Corral

RIP Kenneth Anger

e kelly, tiger

There's baggage and then there's Marlene Dietrich baggage. 

interesting article on espn moving towards conscious decoupling from cable not because they want to but because of its inevitability due to cordcutting. basically they (like many cable networks) will no longer be subsidized by cable subscibers that dont use their service, what this means for pricing, and the dim future for cable.


Politics, Power and the Supreme Court


just noticed season 3 of the great snuck in below my radar.

Maine Lunch IPA


100 RottenT

101 Wheeler