eat the purple people eaters!!
kosher dating tapas
thought i would create a page to focus on art and art related issues. all posts and comments are encouraged.
poo-poo clatter
Our friend Guido Hardt has an art opening tomorrow (Thursday, 7/27, 6-8) at 456 Broadway, near Grand. Two person show. Don't ask me why a German named Guido is showing at the Chinese-American Gallery, it's multiculturalism, ok? He does interesting work out of architectural motifs and aerial views. Worth checking out, even if you can't make the opening.
foodie dialogue
frogs -- cheese -- choice cuts
we need a page of these
jim are you and dave and alex in this??----- net.people: The Personalities and Passions Behind the Web Sites by Thomas E. Bleier, Eric C. Steinert Paperback - 320 pages (May 2000) CyberAge Books; ISBN: 0910965374 ; Dimensions (in inches): 0.70 x 9.95 x 7.97 Sales Rank: 43,317----or do i have to wait for net.people 2
a pattern language v. astounding websites
anybody thirsty?
I was walking home yesterday down Essex street and I passed a very disturbed and rather large young man wearing a white t-shirt adorned with huge black letters, apparently written in marker, presumably by him (I'm equating his rather deranged aura with the impossibly bad penmanship.) True or not, the shirt was definitely a one-off home made piece. It said, rather to the point, "Kill all homosexuals. Die faggots die." We had a moment of eye contact in which I expressed my disapproval. Nothing too serious (I'm a bit ashamed to admit) but enough that I was a little scared he was going to start something with me (that sort of eye contact being a pretty aggressive act in some sub-cultures.) He decided to keep walking. Anyway, it sort of freaked me out, because I don't usually see stuff like that in NYC. Then today I found this story, which didn't particularly make me feel better or worse, but it made some sort of impression. There are a lot of fscked-up people out there, and a even more "normal" ones (peaceful ones?) rather scared of the first group. (Really nice design on that site too, as is usually the case with Derek Powazek's stuff.)
i cant eat shrimp anymore each bite taste like turtle--remember that band ministry had a album "the mind is a terrible thing to taste"--i was thinking of heading back to my vegan ways when but this makes me want to get some folks together....
a review of a book called "the invention of the restaurant: paris and modern gastronomic culture".
7/22 the green market is singing--peas three ways: snap, normale, and greens...first of the organic corn....multi-cherry fresh garlic (picked yesterday!!), same in onion and shallot, squash, tomatoe...bought all i could carry now i,m going back for more!!!
Yes, we were down for a little bit this morning. Nothing too serious. I guess it's the case that the database (Mysql) needs to be rebooted every so often. Since it does seem to keep its data intact I can live with this. As always, I'm very impressed by Hurricane Electric as a web host.
cooking with the times.
amsterdam (KLM) has a new airline that hubs out of london called ...Buzz Airline, my bosses bag was so heavy it had to be taged with a big label "Heavy Buzz" i saved it for a souvenier...the motto is "Fly With Buzz"??...and its a la carte you pay for air only, drinks food etc are all pay for on plane...
google now offers 12 language choises including "custom"??!!
might have to check this out!!-- Seven Hills Berlin 14 May -29 October-----"Move over Millennium Dome. Berlin trumps it all with their biggest futuristic exhibition ever at the Martin Gropius building. Fun for all, this is a high brow Disney World complete with a virtual voyage through an ancient library, dolphins and robots to play with and the chance to mix genes on a monitor.

It has cost a fortune - 28 million DM to be precise - so check out the extravaganza.

There are seven zones: Jungle, Outer Space, Dream, Civilisation, Knowledge, Credo and the Centre. Each has interactive exhibits, glorious special effects and the very latest in science and technology. The idea is to compete with the technological wonders on show at the Hanover World Expo. Decide for yourself on the winner!"
For the 12th of July, two sides of the deeply spiritual Irish coin. Maybe Clinton should have the IRA negotiate with the PLO, and Israel with the Orange. Might make more progress that way.
But why did I find the Spam Haiku site looking for this stuff?
Yet another journalist stumbles onto the cutting-edge. The Blogging Revolution. Pretty standard fare, but it's fun to watch people get all excited over something you found a long time ago <self-satisfied-grin/>. We'll see if he's still updating in six months (hint: if it hinges on his getting payed to blog ideas, he won't be.)
hello from italy--Florence!!--we are off to Cammillo, where the speciality is pasta with shaved dried tuna roe!!!--we have had some great meals and the old bread salads (old bread soaked in various liquids than mixed with different veggies herbs...chilled!!!) are going to be a must to try back home!! viva italia!!
Little glitch on this page today (where it was printing out the whole page back to January, everytime.) Should be O.K. now. Sorry 'bout that.
I've got the mad skillzThis is the coolest flash yet. Click on the blue circle to enable maximum options. Then start cuttin' it up. Make sure you mouse around a lot to find all the potential for bomb droppin. Damn that s#%t is phat. (:)